Pinkorama #4: “The Peepwedding of Emmie and Captain DeWitt”

For our fourth and final Pinkorama of 2021, Debbi Olson brings us… “The Peepwedding of Emmie and Captain DeWitt” from Band of Sisters! WARNING: IF YOU HAVE NOT READ BAND OF SISTERS YET, STOP HERE!  SPOILERS AHEAD! (Unless you’re one of those people who likes to flip to the end of the book, in which…

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Pinkorama #3: “The Slaughter of the Peepocents”

For our third Pinkorama, the sister team of Candace and Cassandra bring us “The Slaughter of the Peepocents” from The Mark of the Midnight Manzanilla! Candace and Cassandra write: In this scene from Chapter 9 of The Mark of the Midnight Manzanilla, while Lucien Caldicott , the Duke of Belliston, is trying to figure out…

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Pinkorama #2: “The Peepduction of the Crimson Rose”

For our second Pinkorama of 2021, the mother and daughter team of Carla and Rowan whisk us away to London in 2003– with a side of Mary Poppins!– in this scene drawn from The Seduction of the Crimson Rose. That Eloise.  She’s always daydreaming and going off into somewhat disorganized flights of fancy when she…

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Pinkorama #1: “Peeping on the Princess of the Peepchritudinous Toes”

I am delighted to present to you the 2021 Pinkoramae! Thank you so much to everyone for making this the tradition it has become, where every spring, as surely as the rains and the flowers, we find a magnificent rainbow of Peep dioramae.  Every year, I look forward to seeing what you’ll create– and it’s…

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EMERALD RING Zoom and 2021 Pinkorama!

This is a killing two birds with one stone sort of post.  I am sure Letty from Emerald Ring would approve of the thrifty approach, don’t you agree? Bird the first: tomorrow is our Deception of the Emerald Ring Zoom meeting with super special guest host Eloisa James!  If you haven’t signed up yet, there’s…

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Ready… Set… Peep!

Welcome the to 11th Annual Pinkorama! This year makes eleven– ELEVEN!– years of Pinkorama (aka Pink Carnation Peep Diorama).  Over a decade of sugary wonders created by you.   Thank you to everyone who so enthusiastically grabbed your Peeps and your cardboard boxes that first year and to all of you who have kept this going…

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The Winner of the 10th Annual Pinkorama Contest Is….

First, hats off to ALL of this year’s Pinkorama contestants!  In a very rough season, you brought joy– and Peeps!  I’m so impressed by your talent and ingenuity and so very, very grateful for the joyful distraction and the memories of many happy books. This year brought us everything from attack stoats to annoyed Nativity…

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The 2020 Pinkorama Round-Up

Calling all 2020 Pinkorama participants to take a bow!  (Or curtsy.) After six days of superlative sugary creations, it’s time for the 2020 Pinkorama Round Up!  This year, we’ve got nativity plays gone wrong, a pirate as parson, flying attack stoats, an unusually tongue-tied poet, a Victorian parlor in Barbados, and a botched elopement in the…

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Pinkorama #6: Carriage Troubles at the Peep-ford Arms.

Our final Pinkorama of the 10th Annual Pinkorama Contest comes from another powerhouse sister team! Candace and Cassandra bring us “Carriage Troubles at the Peep-ford Arms” from Pink III, The Deception of the Emerald Ring. In case it’s been a while since Pink III for you, Candace and Cassandra have included this handy dandy, put-your-coffee-down-before-you-snort-it-up-your-nose-laughing…

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