The Winner of the 10th Annual Pinkorama Contest Is….

First, hats off to ALL of this year’s Pinkorama contestants!  In a very rough season, you brought joy– and Peeps!  I’m so impressed by your talent and ingenuity and so very, very grateful for the joyful distraction and the memories of many happy books.

This year brought us everything from attack stoats to annoyed Nativity Play participants.

Shall we do this properly and build the suspense?

First, we have our fantabulous runners-up!

“The Garden Peeptrigue”, by Carrie and Laura, featuring insanely adorable crocheted Peeps;

“The Mischief of the Mistlepeep”, by Carla and Rowan, with menacing mustachios and a very Turnip cravat;

— and “Wedding Peeps”, by Sharon, with a butler turned pirate and a wedding by the sea!

The most honorable of honorable mentions to all!

And now, in the final three, we have:

In third place:

The Mark of the Midnight Manzapeep, or “Stoat Iacta Est”, by Freya, in which the heroic Lady Florence Oblong routs the dastardly villain! (Sally Fitzhugh has asked that I amend this to say “in which the heroic Miss Sally Fitzhugh routs the dastardly villain”.  But, frankly, I’m more afraid of the attack stoat, so I’m keeping it as is.)  Congratulations, Freya!

To see the full Pinkorama, click here.

In second place:

“Carriage Troubles at the Peep-ford Arms” by Candace and Cassandra in which an elopement goes very, very wrong– but oh so tasty!  Congratulations, Candance and Cassandra!  I would like to move into that inn, please.  It is both charming and delicious.

To see the full Pinkorama, click here.

In first place– drum roll, please!– the 2020 Pinkorama winner is:

“The Summer Peeptry” by Kayse, in which Miss Emily Dawson finds her arrival in Barbados a little more fraught than expected in the very elegantly appointed Turner family parlor!

To see the full Pinkorama, click here.

So many congratulations, Kayse!  It’s such a thrill to see a book that is still so near to me brought to life like this– and I would like their wardrobe, please.  The little Victorian dresses are divine.  (And strangely becoming.)  Also their staircase, which is very, very elegant.

So many thanks to everyone!!  It’s an understatement to say you all outdid yourselves.  These are the very pinnacle of Pinkoramae– and I can’t wait to see what you do to top it next year!

And thank you to everyone who popped by to cast a vote!  There was no possible way I could have picked one by myself.  They were all too wonderful.

All the runners-up receive hardcover copies of All The Ways We Said Goodbye— and our grand prize winner gets an ARC of my new book, Band of Sisters!  Just email me and let me know where to send your prizes, and I’ll pop them in the mail to you as soon as the city of New York tells me it’s safe to go to the post office.

The winning judge, chosen at random to receive a vintage Pink Carnation mug, is… Dani!  Congrats, Dani!

Huge thanks and congratulations to everyone!  Happy reading– and stay safe out there!


  1. Elizabeth (AKA Miss Eliza) on May 27, 2020 at 7:12 pm

    Congrats to everyone! Such wonderful work, I’m in awe!

  2. Freya on May 28, 2020 at 1:16 pm

    Congratulations, Kayse! And enthusiastic applause to everyone!

  3. Car on June 19, 2020 at 2:36 pm

    Our address is 640 nw silver buckle Bend OR 97703

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