Pinkorama #1: The Lost Summers of Newpeep

It is with the greatest of pleasure that I bring you… the 2023 Pinkoramae! Every year, I think these can’t possibly live up to the standards of last year’s peeptastic creations— and every year I’m blown away by your sugary ingenuity.  I’ll be posting a Pinkorama a day and then opening it up for voting. …

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Ready… Set… Peep!

Welcome the to 13th Annual Pinkorama! Some claim that thirteen is an unlucky number– but I think thirteen could just be our lucky Peep! I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that a random impulse thirteen years ago– “Hey!  Does anyone feel like making a Pink Carnation-themed diorama out of Peeps?”– has…

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The Winner of the Twelfth Annual Pinkorama Contest Is….

Congratulations to all of this year’s Pinkorama winners!  Really, it’s the rest of us who are the winners for getting to see the scenes you’ve spun from marshmallow and sugar.  I am, as always, in utter awe of your peep-craft. This year’s entries brought us everything from Sally Fitzhugh as an unlikely angel to Penelope…

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The 2022 Pinkorama Round-Up

Calling all 2022 Pinkorama participants to take a bow!  It’s time for the 2022 Pinkorama Round Up! This year, we’ve got sepia toned memories of Edwardian England, a nativity play plagued with pudding, and two best friends hiding behind a shrubbery (shrubbus verdantus, anyone?). Before we go further– I know, I know, you’re waiting for…

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Pinkorama #3: “Peep-times in the Park”

Our third and final Pinkorama of 2022 is brought to you by returning champions Candace and Cassandra, who take us way back to the beginning of the Pink Carnation series to bring us… Penelope and Charlotte hiding behind shrubbery in The Masque of the Black Tulip! Candace and Cassandra write: Inspired by Chapter 15, of…

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Pinkorama #2: “Puddings, Performances, and Peeps”

Our second Pinkorama of 2022 comes from returning champions Carrie and Laura and features fan favorite Turnip Fitzhugh in all his sugary glory in “Puddings, Performances, and Peeps; or, The Havey Cavey Nativity Where Turnip Makes His Move” with captions by the artistes (and interpolations by the author). The Scene: Mrs Climpson’s Annual Christmas Pageant,…

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Pinkorama #1: “Fall of Popeeps”

It is with great joy that I present to you the first of the 2022 Pinkoramae! Little did I know when I launched the first Pinkorama (aka Pink Carnation Peep Diorama Contest) back in the mists of time in 2010 that twelve (12!!!!) years later this would be a joyful annual tradition, not just here…

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Ready… Set… Peep!

Welcome the to 12th Annual Pinkorama! There’s something rather majestic about the number twelve, isn’t there?  I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that a random impulse twelve years ago– “Hey!  Does anyone feel like making a Pink Carnation-themed diorama out of Peeps?”– has turned into a dozen years of brilliant works…

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The Winner of the Eleventh Annual Pinkorama Contest Is….

Congratulations to all of this year’s Pinkorama entrants!  You are all winners– or, rather, the rest of us are the winners for getting to see all the loveliness you’ve created.  I am, as always, in utter awe of the scenes you’ve spun from marshmallow and sugar. This year’s entries brought us everything from dancing penguins…

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The 2021 Pinkorama Round-Up

Calling all 2021 Pinkorama participants to take a bow!  Or curtsy.  Or, like my first grader, a twirl followed by a full split.  (I have no idea how she does that.) After several days of superlative sugary creations, it’s time for the 2020 Pinkorama Round Up!  This year, we’ve got secret meetings in bookshops, Colin as…

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