Pink Carnation Read Along: Month 1

It’s time to plunge into the world of the Pink Carnation with a year long Pink Carnation Read Along!

Brush off your copy of The Secret History of the Pink Carnation, pull out your brightest pink sweater, your Regency garb, or your comfiest sheep slippers (because, you know, Wooliston), or all of the above, make yourself a Pink drink, and get ready for book club on February 24th with super guest co-host Sarah MacLean!

You can register here.  It’s entirely free and open to anyone anywhere.  Bring a friend!  Bring ten!  The more the merrier.

I’m totally making this up as I go along, but my thinking was: we all start reading each book at the beginning of the month and then get together at the end of the month for the Big Book Club Zoom.

On February 24th, aka Book Club Day, I’m going to open up discussion threads both here on the News page and also on my Facebook author page so you can chat away in your preferred format.

Of course, every good book club needs… snacks!  Want to drink and munch along on book club night?  Here are some recommendations.

Pink I snack: madeleines!  If you’re feeling adventurous, try this recipe from from the Pink Carnation Cookery Series by the long time friend of this website, Christine.

Pink drink: kir royale.  (Bubbly, just like Amy!)  Add a splash of crème de cassis to the bottom of your champagne flute and generously top with champagne or prosecco (1/3 of an ounce of cassis to 3 ounces of bubbly, for those who prefer specific instructions).

Non alcoholic Pink drink: pink lemonade.  (Fizzy or still.)

Now that we’ve gotten the food and drink out of the way, here are some background materials for your amusement:

  • Get the scoop on your romantic leads with this Pink Carnation Who’s Who.
  • Locate your favorite characters on these Selwick, Balcourt, and Wooliston family trees.
  • See The Secret History of the Pink Carnation in color with these scenes from the Pink Carnation comic: Pink Carnation Comics PDF
  • Want to learn more about those crazy Bonapartes, real life floral spies, and early 19th century France?  Here’s some suggested background reading.
  • Curious about the scenes that didn’t make it into The Secret History of the Pink Carnation?  You can find outtakes here.
  • Need something to listen along to while you read?  Try the Pink Carnation playlist!

If you need a copy of the book or know someone else you think might like to give it a try, the e-book is currently on sale for $2.99 for both Kindle and Nook.

Is there anything else you’d like to see I’ve forgotten?  Just let me know in the comments!

I’ll be posting the new book, new special guest host (I have some super special guest co-hosts lined up for you guys!), and new Zoom registration link on the first of each month, as well as more outtakes, recipes, and whatnot for each book.  I am so excited to read my way through the world of the Pink Carnation with you!

See you on Zoom on February 24th!



  1. Christine on January 30, 2021 at 10:09 pm

    Ahhh the Pink recipes! That’s a blast from the last. Despite my best intentions, I don’t think I ever used that Madeleine pan again. It might be time to bust it out.

  2. Mary Ivory Smith on February 2, 2021 at 12:09 am

    How long do you anticipate each discussion lasting? On the West Coast, I’ll still be at work…ugh. I reread the whole series last fall & would love to join in, or at least listen to a re-broadcast if possible…

    • Lauren Willig on February 2, 2021 at 8:09 am

      It should run about an hour. If I can figure out how, I’ll live-stream it to Facebook so people can watch later if they can’t make it.

  3. Weekly Reading Round-Up - Lauren Willig on February 5, 2021 at 4:22 pm

    […] I’ve also brushed off my original copy of The Secret History of the Pink Carnation for the Pink Carnation Read Along, which kicks off this […]

  4. Weekly Reading Round-Up - Lauren Willig on February 12, 2021 at 4:59 pm

    […] also been re-reading my own The Secret History of the Pink Carnation for the Pink Carnation Read Along— for the first time since the final edits went in back in 2004!  I have thoughts.  Many […]

  5. […] readalong the author, Lauren Willig, announced, beginning this month (details on how to join here), I decided to pick up book one […]

  6. Weekly Reading Round-Up - Lauren Willig on February 19, 2021 at 12:41 pm

    […] about halfway through my re-read of The Secret History of the Pink Carnation in preparation for our Read Along Zoom event on Wednesday!  (Side note: I can’t believe I’m saying this, but we are […]

  7. Weekly Reading Round-Up - Lauren Willig on March 26, 2021 at 11:07 am

    […] it would be much more fun to do it with friends and, as many of you know, that turned into a Read Along, of which we are currently in Month […]

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