Save the Date!

Put March 1st on your calendar!  I mean, I know, it’s already on your calendar.  What I meant is, save the date!  Because on the evening of March 1st, my publisher is throwing a huge, virtual, Launch Day Eve/ Women’s History Month Extravaganza!

There will be Women’s History trivia.  There will be prizes.  There will be give aways.  There will be much merriment had by all.  Best of all, there will be three amazing authors there with me to talk about the women of history no one knows about but everyone should.  Get ready to be wowed by Marie Benedict (The Only Woman in the Room), Kristin Harmel (The Book of Lost Names), and Vanessa Riley  (Island Queen).

This is a ticketed event.  The ticket price is buying a copy of Band of Sisters from one of the independent bookstores co-hosting the event: FoxTale Book Shoppe, Shakespeare & Co, Hub City, Titcomb’s, or Warwick’s.  (The good news?  If you already ordered as part of the FoxTale holiday promotion, that counts as your ticket!  The registration link will be sent to you closer to the event.)

All registrants will receive a signed book with a special Band of Sisters bookmark with Eiffel Tower charm– as well as the chance to take away some fun prizes from the event!

To register, simply click on one of the bookstore links below:

— Register via FoxTale Book Shoppe

— Register via Shakespeare & Co

— Register via Hub City

— Register via Titcomb’s

— Register via Warwick’s

Space is limited, so reserve your spot now.  See you on March 1 for fun, fun, fun!


  1. Francene Katzen on January 12, 2021 at 11:40 am

    This looks so fun.

  2. Victoria on February 13, 2021 at 11:46 am

    How fabulous!!! Congrats I will be there!!!

  3. ethel fagin on February 16, 2021 at 8:51 am

    I read this as an ARC from NetGalley…here is my review! Posted on my blog and Goodreads.

    WWI, 1917. We are introduced to a group of women from Smith College. For the most part, they come from wealthy families, except one. That would be Kate who went to Smith on a full scholarship. This group of women have joined The Smith College Relief Unit, going to France to help those whose lives have been turned upside down by the Germans. The towns they go to have been destroyed out of recognition, the people, old, young and in-between are barely hanging on. It is their mission to bring relief in the form of aid…food, medicine and medical care and whatever it takes to bring some order and normalcy (if possible) to their lives. To make matters worse, these women are not far from the frontlines of war. They are privileged young women from wealthy homes who have much to learn and to experience. All the while they also learn about each other.

    Lauren Willig never disappoints, neither did this book. Although this is a fictional story, it was based on true facts. My thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

  4. Jolene Rohrbacker on February 16, 2021 at 11:56 am

    Do I still have time to join in? I hope so! Take care,

  5. BAND OF SISTERS- Next Week! - Lauren Willig on February 26, 2021 at 10:14 am

    […] Benedict, Kristin Harmel, Vanessa Riley, and some amazingly cute women’s trivia prize packs here.  (I’ve seen the prize packs.  They’re wonderful.  There’s tea and biscuits […]

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