Weekly Reading Round-Up

Happy Friday, all!

It’s been a relentlessly busy week, on both the personal and professional front, so there’s only one book on my list this week.  Confession: if there were other books I read this week, it’s all been such a blur that I’ve completely forgotten them.  But the one I do remember is Claire Mackintosh’s A Game of Lies, the second in her DC Morgan series set on the border of England and Wales.  I very much enjoyed her The Last Party last year, and this was an excellent follow up, set around the filming of a reality tv show that turns out to be not exactly what the contestants thought they signed up for.

Right now, thanks to the recommendation of someone in this group, I’ve just started Alex Hay’s The Housekeepers— but more on that next week.

What have you been reading this week?


  1. Elizabeth (AKA Miss Eliza) on May 17, 2024 at 10:04 pm

    I finished ‘Babel’ by R.F. Kuang and never ever want to think of it again. Problematic as I have book club this weekend to discuss it. Perhaps by then I’ll be able to verbalize my dislike other than “it just didn’t work.” I’m planning on spending the weekend with Cari Thomas’s ‘Threadneedle’ which is the first in her Language of Magic series that’s I’ve been dying to read.

    • Elizabeth (AKA Miss Eliza) on May 17, 2024 at 10:04 pm

      And please ignore all typos above, it’s been a long week here as well. But I’m self soothing watching ALL the old Catherine Cookson miniseries.

  2. Alex on May 17, 2024 at 11:59 pm

    I have been feeling the urge to be back in Tudor England again, so rereading “Three Maids for a Crown” (really enjoying it) and then will continue with Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall Trilogy. Will be watching ‘The Tudors’ again as well.

    • Elizabeth (AKA Miss Eliza) on May 18, 2024 at 6:16 pm

      I’m so excited that Masterpiece is finally finishing the adaptation of Wolf Hall!

  3. Sheila C. on May 18, 2024 at 10:37 am

    What is it about this week? Mine has been pretty bad too, although things are definitely looking up since we got new chairs for our porch. A Game of Lies sounds great.

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