Crimson Rose UK & Another Interview

In all the Orchid Tour madness, I completely forgot about the launch of the UK edition of The Seduction of the Crimson Rose. Can’t you just hear Mary fuming? Apologies, Crimson Rose. At least you have a particularly glamorous cover. In honor of the Crimson Rose UK launch, I answered a few questions on Valentine’s…

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Three Days….

As we count down to January 2011, here’s a snippet from January 2008 and The Seduction of the Crimson Rose. I had thought this one would be harder to choose. Mary and Vaughn’s courtship occurs primarily through word-play as each tries to outsmart the other, leading to many moments of barbed quippage. As I flipped…

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A Cover for CRIMSON

To add to the growing gallery of foreign editions, The Seduction of the Crimson Rose comes out in the UK on February 7th, just in time for Valentine’s Day. Mary has a whole new look!

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The "Difficult" Heroine

Write Chic just posted an excellent article discussing the career of the anti-heroine in fiction. She uses Mary, from The Seduction of the Crimson Rose, and our very own Penelope of Blood Lily as two of her prime examples. The first ones who come to mind for me are Scarlett, from Gone With the Wind,…

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Mini-Contest Winner

The line in question– “No, darling, I don’t mind in the least that you’ve quite ruined my prospects. I always wanted to be made a laughingstock in front of the ton.” — comes from page 56, line 5 of the paperback edition of The Seduction of the Crimson Rose, as part of Mary Alsworthy’s internal…

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Calling All Librarians

It has been borne in on me recently that my closet is very full. Full of books. (Nothing bears this in on one like an avalanche of hardcovers hurtling towards your head as you try to conduct the simple action of extracting a coat from a hanger.) In particular, I have ten extra copies of…

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The Crimson Rose Playlist

I’ll be posting the Night Jasmine playlist in January, just in time for the release of the paperback. In the meantime, though, we have a very different set of songs for Mary and Vaughn:

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NIGHT JASMINE Book Club Coming Soon!

Hi, all! Thanks so much for making the launch of Night Jasmine such a success yesterday! I’m dying to get going on discussing it, but to give everyone time to read it first, the inaugural meeting of Night Jasmine Book Club will be held on Tuesday, February 3rd. Thanks to one of Kayse’s comments on…

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Crimson Rose Book Club: Favorite Scene

In each of my books, there is always one scene or passage that pops out for me, that makes me feel good about my writing and the book I’m in the process of producing. For The Secret History of the Pink Carnation, it was the mad mob scene in Richard’s Paris drawing room as his…

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NIGHT JASMINE a Romantic Times Top Pick!

It has been a glorious week for The Temptation of the Night Jasmine all around. With only one week left to go until the Official Release Day (January 22nd!), the happy reviews have been pouring in. Romantic Times named Night Jasmine a Top Pick, enthusing, “Witty, smart, carefully detailed and highly entertaining, Willig’s latest is…

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