Happy Anniversary, BLACK TULIP!

In all of the Forgotten Room excitement, I completely missed Miles’s and Henrietta’s tenth anniversary! It’s been ten years now since The Masque of the Black Tulip, the second book in the Pink Carnation series, appeared in print. Over the course of those ten years, Miles and Henrietta have won every single popularity contest ever…

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En français!

The Secret History of the Pink Carnation and The Masque of the Black Tulip are now available en français! Or should I say LA MYSTÉRIEUSE HISTOIRE DE L’OEILLET ROSE and LE MASQUE DE LA TULIPE NOIRE? Does anyone recognize those covers from somewhere else? If you’re looking for more en français, you can find The…

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Over on the Bubblebath Reader, the Pink For All Seasons Read-a-Thon continues with Pink II, The Masque of the Black Tulip. Head over there to join the discussion! As a special treat, there’s a copy of The Masque of the Black Tulip currently up for grabs over there. On an unrelated note, I realize that…

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Pink Carnation Cookery: June Ginger Biscuits

Here’s a little secret for you: the modern hero of That Summer, Nicholas Dorrington, enjoys ginger biscuits just as much as his Regency predecessor, Miles. In honor of Dorringtons past and present, the amazing Christine has presented us with a recipe for… ginger biscuits. Let the Dorrington munching begin! And now over to Christine…. In…

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Pink Carnation en Francais!

I have very happy news! The first three books in the Pink Carnation series– The Secret History of the Pink Carnation, The Masque of the Black Tulip, and The Deception of the Emerald Ring— are being published in French in Canada! The publisher is Ada of Quebec. As soon as I have release dates, and…

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Pink Carnation Recap: BLACK TULIP

It’s time for Pink II, The Masque of the Black Tulip! Who: Henrietta Selwick and Miles Dorrington Where: England When: Summer, 1803 What: That vicious French spy, the Black Tulip, is on the trail of the Pink Carnation—but the Tulip never reckoned with Lady Henrietta Selwick. Historical Cameos: William Wickham, the Patronesses of Almacks Whenever…

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Pinkorama #3

Just a quick reminder… all Pinkorama entries are due in tomorrow! I’ll be posting the full slate of candidates here on the website on Wednesday, so everyone can vote for their favorites, with prizes all around. And now, without further ado, we have Pinkorama #3, courtesy of the talented Candace and Cassandra: “Peep & Biscuits”,…

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Teaser Tuesday: Bunny-on-the-Wold

I’m learning all sorts of interesting things about my characters, old and new, as I write The Passion of the Purple Plumeria. Among other things, for the very first time, we get to see Miles in situ in his family home, not Loring House in London, but the familial seat in Hampshire. It’s situated outside…

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Miles's Manor

Thanks so much to everyone who contributed a suggestion for the name of Miles’s ancestral estate! I have to admit, I’m still dithering over the name, but, in the meantime, I’d like to offer anyone who contributed a house name one of these snazzy Ashford Affair calendar magnets: (It was late. I was bored. There…

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Informal Poll

As Miss Gwen zigzags her way through England in pursuit of those disappearing schoolgirls, it looks like she might wind up breaking for a night at the ancestral country estate of the Viscounts Loring (aka, the Dorringtons). Most of the other great houses in the Pink books have a name. We know that Turnip lives…

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