Newport!!! (Saturday, 5/14)

Hello from the train! I’m feeling very Gilded Age as the route from New York to Rhode Island unspools outside my Amtrak window (anyone else remember all those Edith Wharton train scenes?)– which is appropriate, since tonight we launch the new Team W book, The Lost Summers of Newport, at the 1892 Newport cottage, Rough…

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Two days until NEWPORT!

Are you ready to delve into The Lost Summers of Newport? In 1899, a music teacher is hired to help a shy new money heiress win the heart of an Italian prince… In 1957, an unhappy society wife’s life is falling to bits in the lead up to the Tiffany Ball… and in 2019, a…

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The Most Fun Book Tour Ever! (Part IV.)

Join Team W on the Most Fun Book Tour Ever!  (Part IV.) Below you can find the updated list of Team W tour dates to date!  Between May 14th and May 23rd, we’ll be visiting Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Indiana, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Georgia, South Carolina, and Arizona. Some events are ticketed; others are free but require…

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On the Road Again!

Beatriz Williams, Karen White, and I will be hitting the road this May on the Most Fun Book Tour Ever (TM) Part IV!  We hope you can join us for the books, the friendship, and the sheep jokes. We open in Newport…. Here’s the schedule– with links! Saturday, May 14th, 6pm Team W NEWPORT Launch…

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Book Releases, Sales, and Events, Oh My!

It’s been a busy week or so, and I’ve completely dropped the ball on posting about everything, so… here’s a compendium of this and that. — Band of Sisters came out in paperback March 1st!  I’m thrilled to announce that it’s an Indie Next pick– and a Costco pick!  So head over to your favorite…

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Events, Events, Events

This week, I am going to be speaking All The Places.  Or maybe it just feels like All The Places. You can find me on Wednesday night (7pm ET) with the legendary Susanna Kearsley, discussing her latest novel, The Vanished Days, a wonderful deep dive into Scottish history.  The event is hosted by Wilton Library…

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Events! Both Virtual and In Person.

Events, events, events!  It may be the lazy, hazy days of summer, but I am out and about on the screen and at the podium. — As usual, today (Wednesday, 8/4) is our noon Ask Me Anything!  Come ask me anything on Facebook live or catch the recap later on Instagram. — Come join me…

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Team W Actually Live!

Beatriz, Karen, and I are getting together for our first in person event since February 2020! If you’re in Rhode Island, we hope you’ll come join us for a magical evening at historical Ocean House at 5pm on Wednesday, August 11th.  Ocean House owner and novelist Deborah Royce will be our moderator with the mostest…

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Team W Live from Avalon Library!

The band is getting back together again– virtually! You can find Beatriz, Karen, and me tomorrow, Thursday, July 15th at 6pm EST courtesy of Avalon Public Library.  We’ll be talking about what it’s like writing as a trio, how we got together, how we parcel out the work, what we’re writing right now, and how…

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Special Vassar Event this Saturday!

If you’re a Vassar alumna/alumnus– or related to a Vassar alum– I hope you can join me this Saturday for a one of a kind presentation about Band of Sisters, the Smith College Relief Unit, and the little known Vassar College Relief Unit. Did you know that nearly two hundred Vassar women served in France…

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