Events, Events, Events

This week, I am going to be speaking All The Places.  Or maybe it just feels like All The Places.

You can find me on Wednesday night (7pm ET) with the legendary Susanna Kearsley, discussing her latest novel, The Vanished Days, a wonderful deep dive into Scottish history.  The event is hosted by Wilton Library and Elm Street Books.  It’s free, virtual, and open to anyone anywhere.  You can sign up here.

On Thursday (also at 7pm ET), I’ll be with the Friends of the Huntington Beach Public Library discussing all things Band of Sisters!  (And anything else you want me to discuss– I gather there will be a large chunk of time allotted for Q&A, so please bring ALL your questions.)  This event is also free, virtual, and open to anyone anywhere.  You can register here.

And then– drum roll, please– this Saturday I’ll be showing up in person!  You can find me and Sadeqa Johnson at the Morristown Festival of Books discussing all things historical fiction.  The event is free, not virtual, and there is no registration required, so if you’re in the area, pop on by to St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Morristown at 3:30 on Saturday!

Looking ahead to next week, the lovely Karen White was kind enough to reschedule The Orchid Affair Read Along meeting for next Wednesday, October 13th.  I’ll be posting more about that and the other forthcoming Read Along dates soon.  Thanks so much to everyone for your patience with my canceling at the last moment!  If you haven’t registered yet, the old registration link is absolutely still valid even if it does have the wrong date on it (because I haven’t had a chance to change it.)

See you around the internet– and in Morristown!


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