Weekly Reading Round-Up

Happy Friday, all!

What with finishing proofs for the Manhattan Well Murder book (now officially titled THE WOMAN IN THE WELL, coming your way January 2025!) and a cover reveal for the latest Team W book (THE AUTHOR’S GUIDE TO MURDER, coming to a bookstore near you November 5, 2024!), it’s been a bit of a whirlwind week.

But I did take the time to read two new books and a few more old ones, starting with Erin Kelly’s The Skeleton Key, which takes as its premise one of those picture/treasure hunt books, and what the notoriety does to the two families involved in creating it– and the family secrets that emerge when a reissue and new treasure hunting app is announced.  After that, it was on to C.L. Miller’s The Antique Hunter’s Guide to Murder, in which an empty nester receives an unexpected inheritance– of antiques and murder.

And now I’m back to my re-read of Elizabeth Daly’s Henry Gamadge books, which are the ultimate comfort read for me (right up there with Charlotte MacLeod’s Sarah Kelling books).  For those who Gamadge, I’ve made my way up to #11, The Wrong Way Down.

What have you been reading this week?


  1. Joan on March 29, 2024 at 6:31 pm

    I have just finished the last two Roundheads and Cavaliers books by Stella Riley. The King’s Falcon and Lords of Misrule (books 3 and 4) were satisfying end to this series. Now looking for something else from this period.

  2. Elizabeth (AKA Miss Eliza) on March 30, 2024 at 6:59 pm

    I’m having the crisis of, Maureen Johnson arc or book club pick for the weekend… The book club pick IS oddly seasonal, Jasper Fforde’s The Constant Rabbit…

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