Weekly Reading Round-Up

Happy Friday, all!

This week, I continued my Chronicles of St. Mary’s readathon with Book 6: What Could Possibly Go Wrong.  (Answer: so much.)

I was tempted to plunge right into Book 7 (because once you’re on a roll with a good series…) but I’ve been promising myself for ages that I would start the Flavia de Luce series, and after yet another person recommended it to me at a book club visit this week, I just knew I couldn’t put it off any longer.  So right now I’m smack in the middle of the first Flavia de Luce, The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie.  Don’t tell me how it turns out!

Mostly, though, I’ve been reading A History of the American School of Classical Studies, 1882-1942, Chapter II: the Chairmanship of Thomas Day Seymour of Yale University, 1887-1901, and finding it unexpectedly hilarious, from their indignation that the Greek people had the nerve to build modern buildings over their ancient cities to the herd of feral goats that infested the school olive grove and had to be driven out with fire and sword (or at least much shouting).  And, yes, this is for the book I’m currently working on which takes place partly in Greece in 1896-1897, and partly in Florida and Cuba in 1898.

In other news, this beauty arrived for me!  Who else has Karen White’s The Last Night in London on their TBR?

What have you been reading this week?

p.s. in other news, check the Events page for two special events!  1) the Pink Carnation Month III “Deception of the Emerald Ring” Read Along Zoom with super guest host Eloisa James on April 28th, and 2) a special Team W Mother’s Day event, “Moms, Manuscripts, & Mimosas”, on the Saturday before Mother’s Day.  Both events are free and open to anyone anywhere.


  1. DJL on April 9, 2021 at 11:56 am

    Read the latest CS Harris St Cyr entry, “What the Devil Knows,” which besides the mystery aspect dropped some intriguing hints about the current whereabouts of the protagonist’s mother. Have been wanting to try the Flavia de Luce series myself, and this might be a good time for it, as at a bit of a loose end now, reading-wise…

  2. Elizabeth (AKA Miss Eliza) on April 9, 2021 at 5:36 pm

    Oh my, if you’re just starting the journey with Flavia, I can tell you, you’ll have to pick them all up one after the other, you can’t stop once you start! Though the second one is still my favorite. I finished up Leigh Bardugo’s Grisha trilogy, then I read the two “in world” books, The Language of Thorns (dark fairy tales EVERYONE should read and not just for the beautiful art) and THe Lives of Saints (which I’m sure was made for the TV series.) Now moving onto the Six of Crows duology!

  3. Joan on April 10, 2021 at 12:40 am

    I just finished the latest Lady Darby A Wicked Conceit which was very good as usual. I will start the 2nd Wrexford and Sloane Murder At Half Moon Gate by Andrea Penrose later today.

  4. Andrew Michael Sargent on April 11, 2021 at 9:35 am

    Reading through the Pink Carnation series for the first time I’m about half way through The Garden Intrigue and ready to start on The Passion of the Purple Plumeria once I finish it.

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