Weekly Reading Round-Up

Happy Friday, all!  Don’t you love it when you hoard a new book and when you finally decide to break it out, it turns out to be just the right book at the right time?

I loved Louise Miller’s The City Baker’s Guide to Country Living, so I’ve been hanging on to her second book, The Late Bloomers’ Club, partly so I’d have it for when I really, really needed something special, and partly because I was afraid it wouldn’t live up to the first book.

It is absolutely living up to the first book.  It’s been one of those book launch weeks where it’s very hard to concentrate on anything because I’m so busy worrying that I’ve forgotten a podcast I was meant to be recording (yep, that happened) or left time-sensitive emails unanswered (also happened!) or forgot to send signed bookplates for a book event (found them behind a vase of dying flowers!).  Book launch can feel a bit like trying to function while being pelted with ping pong balls, which is not a state of being conducive to reading.

But Louise Miller creates such a fully realized world that the minute you open the book, you feel like you’ve crossed through a covered bridge into a totally different place.  A blurb on the first book described it as Gilmore Girls and Starr’s Hollow– and there’s that same feeling of coming home to this cozy small town, where people are working out real problems, but doing it in a snarky, witty, funny way.

In other news, I am still on book tour!  (When I’m not living in the fictional town of Guthrie with the Late Bloomers.)  I’ll be chatting with Kate Quinn and Elizabeth Wetmore on Monday, with Andrea Penrose on Tuesday, with a lovely librarian at Greenwich Public Library on Wednesday, and with Jane Healey on Thursday.  All events are free, virtual, and open to anyone anywhere, so please do come join me for any or all of them!  Full details (and registration links) on the Events page.

What have you been reading this week?



  1. Terasa on March 12, 2021 at 1:10 pm

    The Nature of Fragile Things by Susan Meissner

  2. Elizabeth (AKA Miss Eliza) on March 12, 2021 at 5:35 pm

    I devoured Laura Purcell’s ‘The House of Whispers’ which everyone must read who loves the GOTHIC. Then, staying in the Gothic I went to Ruth Ware’s ‘The Turn of the Key’ which was far better than where it took it’s inspiration, ‘The Turn of the Screw’ but not as good as the Netflix adaptation ‘The Haunting of Bly Manor.’ I’m just all up in ‘Screw’ land. Now I’m reading my book club’s latest selection, ‘A Breath of Life’ by Clarice Lispector… not sure about what it’s even about yet…

  3. DJL on March 13, 2021 at 2:06 am

    Catching up on Lady Darby mysteries by Anna Lee Huber, all of which are very even & entertaining whodunits in 1830s England/Scotland. Going to read The Deadly Hours next, a story which covers multiple authors’ characters as a secret is passed through the generations (including C. S. Harris and Anna Lee Huber, among other authors).

    • LynnS on March 14, 2021 at 8:40 am

      I recently read that. I am enjoying the series. (They had me at Scotland.)

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