‘Twas the Night Before Launch…

‘Twas the night before launch/and all through the screen/authors were talking/about the most amazing women of history they’d seen!

Okay, I am totally not quitting my day job to write poetry.

But I will be on screen tonight with author friends Marie Benedict, Vanessa Riley, and Kristin Harmel discussing our favorite forgotten heroines and celebrating both Women’s History Month and the launch of Band of Sisters!

We’re going to be doing a spirited round of Women’s History Trivia, so brush off your history books, roll up your sleeves, and get ready to compete!  Ten people will walk away with a prize pack containing all sorts of goodies, including four books.

To get your ticket tonight, just buy your copy of Band of Sisters from one of the five participating booksellers below, and they’ll send you your Crowdcast registration link– and then ship you your signed copy of the book plus snazzy charm bookmark!

— Register via FoxTale Book Shoppe
— Register via Shakespeare & Co
— Register via Hub City
— Register via Titcomb’s
— Register via Warwick’s

Switching hats for a moment, also keep an eye out for a post about Month 2 of the Pink Carnation Read Along later today!

Hope to see you tonight as we raise our glasses to Women’s History Month and Band of Sisters!

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