Weekly Reading Round-Up
It’s been a crazy rollercoaster of a week, hasn’t it? In between refreshing news sites, I’ve been reading Jenny Colgan’s 500 Hundred Miles from You, in which a London nurse suffering from a traumatic experience changes places with a counterpart in the Highlands and finds hope and healing there (and the usual amount of laugh out loud silliness.
Jenny Colgan’s books are the perfect feel-good escape– and this one is a bit of a family reunion, with characters from The Bookshop on the Corner and The Bookshop on the Shore popping in.
Once that’s done, I have some new books lined up that I’m pretty excited about– although I’m fighting the urge to go back to one of my favorite comfort reads, Trisha Ashley’s Twelve Days of Christmas. Too soon for Christmas books?
What have you been reading this week?
The Cafe by the Sea by Jenny Colgan! Wonderful distraction.
Never too soon for Christmas books. I have read a bunch of Jenny Colgan’s books and that one is one my list. I am getting ready for parent teacher conferences and have started a college class. So no fun reading for me. Maybe this weekend. Thanks for sharing what you have read because it makes finding books to read so much easier.
I’ve been reading 500 Miles from You this week, too. It’s been exactly what I needed to counteract the craziness of the week!
Just finished a re-read of The Subtle Knife by Phillip Pullman (so the story is fresh in my mind before the new season of the tv show airs). I’m also most of the way through Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood and think it is brilliant.
Not sure if I’ll move on to a comfort read next, or something spooky from my little pile of Halloween books that I haven’t read yet.
Can NOT wait for the new season! Trying to stop myself from re-reading the WHOLE series again, like I did last year AND the year before…
I devoured Mexican Gothic and enjoyed it, but I think I saw the ending coming too soon and that took away from a satisfying ending. Now I’m reading Tony DiTerlizzi’s The Search for WondLad for book club, and it’s a wonderful modern fairy tale, part Star Wars/Lost in Space part Dark Materials/Wizard of Oz, just so good and, because it’s DiTerlizzi, beautifully illustrated!