Florida State of Mind

Team W is shucking off our winter coats (well, except Karen– she’s still cold) and grabbing our Lilly and our slingbacks.  It’s the Florida leg of the ALL THE WAYS WE SAID GOODBYE tour!

On Monday night, we’ll be speaking at the Vero Beach Book Center, trying desperately not to browse among the shelves as we chat all things Ritz, Paris, and historical.  The event is free and open to the public, no tickets or registration required, so please pop by and bring some friends!

On Tuesday, Team W is heading to Orlando– although not, sadly, to Disney World.  Although we do get to go to a winery, so that counts as a rather good consolation prize, no?  We hope you’ll join us at Quantum Leap Winery for Wine, Words, and Wisdom.  We can’t really promise much in the way of wisdom, but there’ll definitely be wine, words, and three Ws.

You can buy your ticket for the Orlando winery event here.  A signed book is included in the ticket price.

See you in Florida!

Monday, January 20th, 6pm
Talk & Signing
Vero Beach Book Center
392 21st St, Vero Beach, FL

Tuesday, January 21st, 6:30pm
Talk & Signing
Quantum Leap Winery
1312 Wilfred Drive, Orlando, FL
Ticketed event: to purchase tickets click here.
Signed book included in ticket price.

Next up: Missouri, Tennessee, and Indiana!


  1. LAURA HARTNESS on January 20, 2020 at 5:36 pm

    I used to live in Vero Beach, and their Book Center is phenomenal! Wish I could be there to meet you ladies!

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