Audio and Podcasts and Radio Interviews, Oh My!

Today is all about things for listening!  (Rather than things that go, which is my toddler’s preference.  So much vrooming.  But I digress.)

I’ll be speaking live today at 4:00 pm EST with host Pam Stark of Authors on the Air.  Tune in live on Blog Talk Radio or catch the recorded program later on SoundCloud!  (I’ll post that link as soon as I have it.)

In the meantime, here’s a link to another podcast, with Hank Garner of Author Stories, which went live while I was away on tour.  I had a marvelous time chatting with him about The Summer Country, Team W, my strange career path, and so many other things.

And now the best of the lot!  I was so thrilled to hear the super-talented Nicola Barber would be reading the audiobook of The Summer Country, because goodness only knows that this book is a linguistic challenge.  I was just sent this sample— listen and enjoy!

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