The 2019 Pinkorama Winner is….

From the sinking of the Lusitania to colonial India to the English countryside in multiple eras, this year’s Pinkoramae have taken us to all sorts of wonderful and sugary places.  I don’t know about you, but Pinkorama time has become one of my favorite times of year, and this year is no exception.

Thank you so much to Carrie, Laura, Carla, Rowan, Colleen, Nick, Candace, and Cassandra for devoting your skill and time to making these gorgeous creations!

The winner of the 2019 Pinkorama is…

Miss Gwen!

Um, let’s just rephrase that, shall we?  Miss Gwen might think she’s the winner of the 2019 Pinkorama, but, in fact, the real winners of the 2019 Pinkorama are…

Carrie and Laura, for “The Passion of the Peeple Plumeria” or “Billiard Balls on Cue”, from The Passion of the Purple Plumeria!

Miss Gwen would like to point out that, in fact, this diorama is all about her.  But the real kudos go to Carrie and Laura.   Your Peep-crafting skills are nothing short of awe-inspiring.  The Chevalier de la Tour d’Argent has never looked quite so natty (and thwarted!).

Congratulations, Carrie and Laura!  There’s an ARC of The Summer Country that needs to find its way to you!

Our glorious runners-up, all of whom received lots of love in the voting, are:

— “So Many Peeps Lost”, by Colleen and Nick, from The Glass Ocean.

(Don’t you love the way Caroline and Tess are clinging to opposite sides of that lifeboat?)

— “Showdown at Peep’s Tomb”, by Candace and Cassandra, from The Betrayal of the Blood Lily.

(Can you believe this is all made of candy?  I am in awe of the craftmanship– and the tiny pistols and lantern!)

— “The Peep Wars Bedroom”, by Carla and Rowan, from The Glass Ocean.

(Who doesn’t love a Peep Wars bedroom?  Sarah looks so cozy tucked up there under Darth Vader.)

Take a bow, everyone!  These were all peeptacular– and I have signed copies of The Glass Ocean to send your way as a thank you!   (If you already have The Glass Ocean and would prefer a different book, just let me know, and I’ll dig around in the cupboard and see what I can do.)

Our winning judge is… Megan Mitchell!  Congrats, Megan!  If you let me know where to send it, there’s a Summer Country tote bag with your name on it.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all our participants for making this such a wonderful Pinkorama year!

Believe it or not, next year will be the tenth (10th!) annual Pinkorama, so I think we should plan something pretty spectacular, don’t you?  Get your Peeps ready… and I’ll try to think of something suitably fabulous as a prize!


  1. Céline on May 13, 2019 at 2:16 pm

    Congratulations to all !!

  2. Carrie Morrell on May 13, 2019 at 4:24 pm

    Thank you, Lauren! And thank you everyone! My sister and I enjoy every minute of Pinkorama prep! We laugh and laugh, which is always good medicine. And it gives us a good excuse to visit our friends in the early 19th century.
    There are at least 13 billiards references in our description – can anyone pick them all out?

  3. Rachel Adrianna on May 13, 2019 at 5:39 pm

    Congratulations, everyone! Huzzah 🙂

  4. Elizabeth (Miss Eliza) on May 13, 2019 at 7:45 pm

    Congrats! I just love seeing the work every year!

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