The 2018 Pinkorama Winner is….
Well, really, I think we’re all winners of the Pinkorama, for getting to enjoy such clever and well-crafted scenes! This has been a banner year for the Pinkorama and I’m so grateful to all the entrants for bringing theses scenes so brilliantly to peep.
By popular vote, the winner of the 2018 Pinkorama is…
The Peep of Belliston Hall by Carrie and Laura!
Congrats, ladies! I’ll put your ARC of The Glass Ocean in the mail to you as soon as I have it.
In second place we have An American Peep Takes on the World News by Colleen and Pam:
Third place, just one vote behind, goes to The English Peep by Kayse:
Exceedingly honorable honorable mentions go to:
Can the World Buy Such a Peep?, by Freya;
The Peepinese Chamber by Candace and Cassandra;
The Secret History of the Peep Carnation by Carla and Rowan;
and The Deception of the Emerald Peep by Rachel (that video!!)
Take a bow, all! These were spectacular (peeptacular?) one and all– and I have a signed hardcover of The English Wife for each of you! (Or each team in the case of collaboration.) So let me know where to send them and I’ll pop your books in the mail to you!
The winning judge is… Jenna Eldredge! Congrats, Jenna! Let me know where to send it, and I’ll have The Other Daughter on its way to you.
Congrats, everyone, and thank you so much for a wonderful Pinkorama!
Congrats! To everyone!!!
Congratulations to all! It’s been an honor to Peep in your company.
Wow! Thank you Lauren and to everyone who voted! All of the entries were peeptacular!!
So excited! Thanks everyone! It was a peeptacular year! The peep is on for next year!
Thanks Lauren! And great job, everyone! 🙂