Teaser Tuesday
Three more weeks until The English Wife arrives in stores!
Last week, as I worked on the edits for my part of the next WWW book, I was rustling around in my photo files looking for some Lusitania pictures when I stumbled across my picture archive for The English Wife. So, just for fun, here’s a visual tour of The English Wife, from the Hudson Valley to England to France to Newport to Manhattan to the Hudson Valley….
The book opens in a grand faux English manor on the Hudson:
Where the body of the owner, Bayard Van Duyvil, is found in a folly by the river:
(Apologies– I took this picture in an actual folly in the woods near Cold Spring, but in summer rather than winter. So just imagine snow and ice, please.)
Bay’s sister, Janie, is determined to discover the truth, teaming up with a reporter from the notorious tabloid, the World. (The building with the gold dome is the World building. The picture next to it is a close up of the entrance to the World building on Park Row, where all the major newspapers had their headquarters.)
Their quest takes us back to 1890s London, from the seamier bits of the theatre world…
… to the swells on horseback on Rotton Row…
… and the gardens and salons of Paris…
… to the private beach clubs of Newport…
… to the dignified brownstones of Manhattan’s old elite…
… to the newly built mansions on 5th Avenue.
And back again to the Hudson Valley, via the train from Grand Central Depot…
…to the station in Cold Spring (where you can now eat very good burgers– but I digress).
Exactly what happens in those locations I leave to you to find out– when The English Wife comes out on January 9th!
[…] If you’d like a visual tour of the many places you’ll visit in The English Wife, just click here! […]