Every book has its own behind the scenes quirks and oddities. Admittedly, Turnip is a quirk all by himself, but here are a few other Mistletoe oddities, aka fun facts.

Orchid- Actual Cover— Like The Seduction of the Crimson Rose, this was an accidental book. In the spring of 2009, I’d started writing The Orchid Affair— but I was feeling emotionally burned out after Blood Lily, which had been much darker than the earlier books. Orchid Affair was also shaping up to be a darker book. I needed something light and fun as a sort of sorbet between the two more intense installments. It was while I was giving a talk to a writers’ group in New York, talking about crafting a series arc, that it hit me: I needed to write Turnip’s book before I could move on to Orchid Affair.

— Turnip’s book was always going to be set in Bath, but when I first stumbled home from that writers’ group and started scribbling plot ideas, the original plan was to set it in June, around a smuggling ring based out of a tailor shop. But there was just something about Turnip and Christmas that went together like holly and ivy….

Pink V Cover— The ending of The Mischief of the Mistletoe and the beginning of The Temptation of the Night Jasmine overlap. It’s the same house party seen from different viewpoints. So, if you read Night Jasmine and were wondering why Turnip was trying to chop down a tree with the wrong side of an ax… now you know.

mom_pudding_draft_02_copy_300— There are no love scenes in Mistletoe (making it acceptably PG for those who don’t approve of that sort of thing), but there’s an extra bonus add on chapter, Away in a Manger: A Very Turnip Wedding Night. For this, you have to thank Sarah of Smart Bitches, Trashy Books. At RWA’s annual conference, when Mischief of the Mistletoe won the RITA for Best Regency, she made a bet with me: if her readers could come up with a suitable illustration, I had to write Turnip’s wedding night. You can find the result of both over on the Diversions page…. So many thanks to Joyce for the winning cover!

— My favorite scene? The failed Christmas pageant at Miss Climpson’s Select Seminary. I had far too much fun writing that scene.

What’s your favorite scene from The Mischief of the Mistletoe?


  1. Tara on December 21, 2016 at 10:14 am

    I always found it comical when Arabella’s sister was sick in the carriage ride to the Frost Fair. The poor thing was ill, and Turnip in his bumbling fashion took care of her. To me, it revealed his caring nature, and it made me think of how Arabella was warming to him.

  2. Freya on December 21, 2016 at 3:11 pm

    I can’t decide. I love the report of the journey to the frost fair, when we see how enchantingly thoughtful and generous Turnip has been in his preparations. I also love the moment when Arabella realizes that he’s been gallantly lurking outside in the freezing garden for 4.3 nights. Maybe my favorite is that whole sequence, from Arabella coming downstairs through to the end of the events immortalized by Miss Climpson’s minatory, “We do not sit on people!” (BTW, I’ve always wondered whether Miss Climpson the schoolmistress is any relation to Lord Peter’s Miss Climpson.)

  3. […] Check out some Mistletoe fun facts. […]

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