Ready… Peep… Go!
It’s time for the 6th Annual Pink Carnation Peep Diorama Contest! In other words? It’s Pinkorama time.
The rules are simple: using those sugary, marshmallowy goodies (Peeps), recreate your favorite scene from the Pink Carnation novels. Any of the Pink books, novellas, or bonus chapters are up for grabs. Even though it’s not technically Pink, I’m including The Ashford Affair among the eligible works, just in case you feel like going Edwardian Peep, 1920s Peep, or Kenya Peep; That Summer, for Victorian Peep and Pre-Raphaelite Peep (or Dorrington Descendant Peep); The Other Daughter, for Bright Young Peeps; or The Forgotten Room, for New York Peeps throughout the ages. Two L (disillusioned law student Peep) and A Night at Northanger (ghost hunter Peep) are also fair game.
This is a particularly poignant year for the Pinkorama, since this was the year of the twelfth and last Pink Carnation book: The Lure of the Moonflower. The Pink Carnation finally starred in her own novel. Will she at last have a Pinkorama of her own?
Once your Peep creation is complete, take a picture (or pictures) of your Pinkorama and email them to me at with “Pinkorama” in the subject line.
The deadline for the Pinkorama is Monday, April 4. I’ll post all the Pinkoramas here on the website and open it up to general voting.
As for the prize…. I would love to offer an ARC of the next stand alone novel, but since I’m still in the writing stage, that might be a bit of a wait. So, instead, the prize will be your choice of a copy of The Forgotten Room or Fall of Poppies.
If you’re seeking Peep inspiration, check out last year’s peeptastic entries or the Pinkorama Gallery!
Let the sugary fun begin!
[…] You can find all of the Pinkorama rules and details here. […]