Pink XII is Here!

Today is the day! The final Pink book, The Lure of the Moonflower, is in stores.

Lure of the Moonflower_deeper sky2

I still can’t quite entirely believe we’re up to Jane’s story. Someone pinch me, please?

I’ll be celebrating the release of The Lure of the Moonflower this Thursday, August 6, at WORD Bookstore in Brooklyn, with two of my favorite people: Sarah MacLean and Beatriz Williams.

Come join us at WORD at 7:00 on Thursday for an evening of wine, conversation, and pink-hued fun!

If you can’t make it to WORD, but would like a signed, personalized copy of The Lure of the Moonflower or The Other Daughter, just contact the folks at WORD by Thursday morning, and they’ll have me sign it, and then ship it off to you!

If you would like to discuss The Lure of the Moonflower with fellow Pink readers, Ashley and Miss Eliza are very generously hosting a Pink XII read along over on The Bubblebath Reader. The discussion kicks off this Friday with Chapters 1-6… but, the internet being the joyous thing it is, if you haven’t started the book yet, you can always wait and pop in later.

Is there anything I’ve left out? Or anything you’d like to know about Pink XII or the Pink books that I haven’t posted about yet?

Happy August and happy reading!


  1. leslie on August 4, 2015 at 3:33 pm

    Thank you so very for the Pinks…’s been a great ride. I am sitting here with Magic Shifts and The Lure of the Moonflower on my lap. Two books I have hungrily awaited for twelve months. It’s a toss-up!

    Thank you Lauren….

  2. Gianna on August 5, 2015 at 8:03 pm

    Having just finished reading the final pink novel, (I can’t believe the series is over!) I just wanted to say thank you for this wonderful series. I’ve been reading them since high school, and actually put off reading books 10 and 11 until this summer, since I was distracted by grad school. As someone else who is realizing that my degree might not actually relate to what I want to do/ can do (a bit too late, in my last semester of my masters), it was really great to read about Eloise doing the same thing, and finding a way to make all of her hard work pay off in the end. Reading book 11 the week after graduation gave me all sorts of hope!

  3. AngelB on August 6, 2015 at 2:32 am

    Just finished reading Pink. What an awesone story for Jane. My only complaint is you really teased us with Fluellen and Venice, but also a possible prequel spinoff??? You definitely left me wanting more! Thank you for sharing your amazing talent and dedication with us.

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