New on the Website….

What with one thing and another, I’ve been slow about website updates this year. But, at long last, you can now find–

— an excerpt from The Other Daughter (you can find a second excerpt here);
— the first (historical) chapter of The Lure of the Moonflower;
— the official blurb for The Forgotten Room;
— an updated list of foreign editions of The Ashford Affair;
— and a link to the German edition of That Summer.

Is there anything crucial I’ve forgotten? More on all of the upcoming books coming soon!

That Summer Paperback The Other Daughter Lure of the Moonflower_deeper sky2

Here’s the publication schedule:

That Summer, paperback, May 19
The Other Daughter, hardcover, July 21
The Lure of the Moonflower (Pink XII), paperback, August 4
The Forgotten Room, hardcover, January 19


  1. Miss Eliza on April 20, 2015 at 4:52 pm

    Kermit the frog flailing arms of happiness and joy!

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