Ask the Author Day

It’s The Temptation of the Night Jasmine Ask the Author Day over on the Bubblebath Reader!

Have any questions about Robert, Charlotte, that mysterious Frenchman, the Hellfire Club, or anything else?

Just post your questions in the comments section of the Ask the Author post at the Bubblebath Reader and I’ll be by later in the day to respond to all.

Happy Friday!


  1. Jennifer on March 1, 2015 at 1:37 am

    You answered my question about the mysterious Frenchman when you signed my book at RJ Julia. I am so excited that we will see him again soon. And I can now stop laying awake at night trying to figure out if he was who I thought he was. He may be an enemy of England, but he is so charming and amusing!

  2. Stef on March 15, 2015 at 8:30 pm

    I recently reread Night Jasmine without knowing about this Q&A situation and I was so confused by the mysterious Frenchman that I went on goodreads hoping someone would have mentioned it in the comments but no one did (I thought I may have missed something in the first few books because he knew who Miles and Richard and Charlotte were) and now all I want is to know who this guy is! Can you give a hint or is it resolved in Jane’s book or will I live the entire rest of my life never knowing?

    • Lauren on March 30, 2015 at 12:58 pm

      I’m so sorry to take so long to reply, Stef! Hopefully, you’ll still see this…. The mysterious Frenchman does pop up again. We’ll meet him in “Mistletoe” as the Chevalier de la Tour d’Argent. (Although it isn’t confirmed that that’s who he is until “Purple Plumeria”.) And don’t worry! You haven’t missed anything. He’s first introduced in “Night Jasmine”, so there was no mention of him before that.

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