Pinkorama #1: The Convent of Peepsino

Some sculpt in marble. Others sculpt in marshmallow.

It gives me the greatest pleasure to present to you the 2014 crop of Pink Carnation Peep Dioramas (Dioramae?).

Miss Gwen is having a good gloat right now. All three of this year’s Pinkorama entries have their inspiration in The Passion of the Purple Plumeria— and one even takes as its inspiration Miss Gwen’s own magnum opus, The Convent of Orsino.


I tried to put all that sugary goodness into one post, but it was just too much. And all of these are so marvelous that they deserve their own screen time. So, throughout the day, I’ll be posting all three Pinkoramae for your admiration.

Starting with…

Candace & Cassandra’s The Convent of Peepsino, “in which our heroes, Plumeria and Sir Magnifico are waylaid by the Peepsies, flying monkeys and a tiger, oh my”.

Some of you may remember The Convent of Orsino as Miss Gwen’s blockbuster novel (which plays a large part in the upcoming The Mark of the Midnight Manzanilla). Written in purpler than purple prose, The Convent of Orsino follows the adventures of Sir Magnifico and the stalwart chaperone, Plumeria, as they confront all manner of adversity (and monkeys) in their attempt to rescue Plumeria’s charge, Amarantha, before she can fall prey to the sinister Knight of the Silver Tower.

But Miss Gwen never thought she would see them adapted to the peep screen….

Sir Magnifico and the bold Plumeria fight off the gypsies and their flying monkeys!

Peep 2014 - whole scene

A close-up of the gypsy caravan:

Peep 2014 - caravan

Candace and Cassandra add: “Since the book didn’t name the gypsies, we went ahead and named the merry band: Uriah (has the pet monkey Pepe, though he looks like a George, on his shoulder), Luca (is fighting Plumeria), Esmeralda (is holding the rope), Vanlow (is fighting Sir Magnifico), Sabina (is also fighting Sir Magnifico with two blades), Federico (is the snake charmer in the back), DDA (is the lead monkey on top of the caravan), Hem & Lock (are the two monkeys flying over Sir Magnifico), Tristan (is the monkey coming for Plumeria), and Lupo is the tiger.”

So here you can see close-ups of our newly named gypsy friends….

Pepe, Uriah and Luca:

Peep 2014 - Pepe, Uriah, Luca

Sabina and Federico:

Peep 2014 - Sabina, Federico

Federico, looking particularly sinister:

Peep 2014 - Federico

Plumeria, boldly fighting off Luca (note her purple raiment! And, of course, her purple parasol):

Peep 2014 - Luca Plumeria

A close-up of the battle scene:

Peep 2014 - Sir Mag, Esmeralda, Vanlow

And, my personal favorite, a Sir Magnifico selfie:

Peep 2014 - Sir Magnifico Selfie

Is it just me, or is Sir Magnifico particularly adorable? There’s something quite rakish about those bunny ears.

A huge huzzah for Candace and Cassandra, bringing peep sculpture to whole new heights!


  1. Winter on April 3, 2014 at 10:24 am

    OMG I LOVE this idea and was so upset that I didn’t think of it. Fantastic Job!!

  2. Christine on April 3, 2014 at 11:27 am

    Every year I am so impressed with what Candace and Cassandra come up with. They never disappoint!

  3. Cassandra on April 5, 2014 at 4:46 pm

    Fyi – The snake’s name is Sinfoy.

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