We interrupt our regularly scheduled Pink Carnation Countdown to announce the winners of the Purple Plumeria mug contest!
The most popular mug, hands down, was “Speak loudly and carry a large parasol”. Miss Gwen’s little life lessons?
In second place, “Keep Calm and Carry a Parasol”. Do I detect a parasol theme?
And in third place, continuing the parasol hegemony, “Have Parasol Will Travel”.
Thanks so much to Sharlene for designing these gorgeous cards! If you haven’t seen the others, you can find all of them here.
And now… the winners! Chosen, as always, by random number generator. (It seemed kinder than having Miss Gwen pick by pinioning people with her parasol.)
— Lise Horton (of Comment #12) wins her favorite, “Speak Loudly and Carry a Large Parasol”.
— Amanda V (of Comment #40) listed three equally weighted favorites, so she can pick whichever of those she’d like best.
— Celine (of Comment #9) has won Mug #3, “Keep Calm and Carry a Parasol”.
Congrats, ladies! If you email me with your info, I’ll send your mugs your way!
Now back to our regularly scheduled Pink Carnation Countdown…. Tomorrow: Pink V, The Temptation of the Night Jasmine!
Which also means we’re almost halfway through our countdown to Pink X, The Passion of the Purple Plumeria….
Congratulations to all of the winners! Lauren- Will these mugs be available for sale? I’d love one or two!
Yeaaaaaah! Thank you Lauren!!!
I’m sending you my info right away!!!