For personal reasons, I’m not going to be doing any touring for The Passion of the Purple Plumeria when it comes out this August.

But you can still get a personalized copy!

There are two ways to get your copy of The Passion of the Purple Plumeria personalized:

— I’ll be pre-signing a batch of books for The Poisoned Pen bookstore in Scottsdale, AZ, which they will then ship to you anywhere in the world. If you pre-order from the Poisoned Pen now, they’ll pass along your instructions to me when they send me the books to sign. Just call the Poisoned Pen at 480-947-2974 or email them at and let them know who you’d like me to make the book out to and whether it’s for a special occasion, like a birthday or an anniversary (or if there’a anything else you’d like me to say in there).

— If you’ve already pre-ordered elsewhere or would prefer to buy the book from your local bookstore but would like it signed, just email me and I will happily send you a signed bookplate to paste into your copy.

Only a little over a month to go now until Miss Gwen’s book!


  1. Yvette R on June 15, 2013 at 8:35 pm

    Yeah! I just called & ordered my signed copy! They were very helpful. August 6th can’t come too soon!

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