Because real spies wear purple….

The latest contest for an advance copy of The Passion of the Purple Plumeria ends tonight!

To enter, just click here and follow the instructions in the contest post.

In the meantime, here’s a little snippet from Chapter One….

(Of course, the book is set eighty-four years too early for the Eiffel Tower to be there, but I loved this e-card too much to change it. And it’s amusing imagining what Miss Gwen would have thought of it, had she been around a few generations later. It looks enough like a furled parasol that she just might have approved.)

For a longer excerpt from The Passion of the Purple Plumeria, click here.


  1. Pat D on June 8, 2013 at 5:59 pm

    Every time I read something of Miss Gwen’s novel, The Convent of Orsino, I practically fall out of my chair laughing. Oh my gosh. Will she write more novels?

  2. Sheila on June 9, 2013 at 12:38 pm

    Must we wait? So good !!

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