Anthology Give Away
It has just come to my attention that Laurel Ann Nattress is giving away copies of Jane Austen Made Me Do It on her website, Austenprose.
Way back last fall, when the anthology came out, she had all of us authors answer a bunch of questions about Austen, the anthology, our stories, and so on. She’s posting one of those questions, with all of our answers (it’s alphabetical, so I’m all the way at the end– just keep scrolling) every Friday. Anyone who comments is eligible to win a copy of the anthology.
Here’s the link to last Friday’s Q&A (“How did Jane Austen make you do it?”) and today’s (“When were you introduced to Austen?”).
Today’s is still open for entries, so stop by for a chance to win a copy of Jane Austen Made Me Do It! And if you don’t win this week, there’s always next Friday….