Teaser Tuesday: Why Plumeria?

Last week, I announced the release date of Pink X, The Passion of the Purple Plumeria (aka Miss Gwen’s book). Over on Facebook, Anya posed an excellent question: why plumeria?

Here’s an entirely disorganized list of reasons why:

— I needed a flower that began with the letter P.

It’s not just because P is for parasol (although, yes, that was a consideration, and, as Miss Gwen would like me to point out, P is also for poking people, generally with parasol). Miss Gwen’s signature color is purple. She’s been wearing it since Pink I, loud and proud, generally with purple dyed feathers to match. Purple Plumeria had a pleasantly euphonious ring to it. Try it! It rolls nicely off the tongue, doesn’t it?

— I wanted something related to India.

As you know, at the end of The Garden Intrigue, Eloise and Colin have just set out on the trail of the lost jewels of Berar. Let’s just say that the jewels play a not insignificant part in the historical story as well. Plumeria is a form of frangipani, which, as any devotee of M.M. Kaye knows, invariably blooms all over the place in novels about India. It’s a tenuous connection, but at least it began with the letter P.

— In some cultures, plumeria is connected with vampires.

I have mentioned that Miss Gwen is writing a gothic novel, right? Not to give too much away, but you know that whole vampire thing? She absolutely beats Lord Byron to it. And you know for sure that her vampires don’t sparkle!

— It makes an excellent faux gothic heroine name.

Originally, the heroine of Gwen’s gothic novel was going to be named Amarantha. But that didn’t sound quite right. The heroine was really much more of a Plumeria. (Working title: The Perils of Plumeria.) Excerpts from Gwen’s gothic novel, starring the proud Plumeria, appear at the beginning of each of the historical chapters.

Sadly, I now have “P is for parasol, that’s good enough for me!” stuck in my head.

More on The Passion of the Purple Plumeria coming soon!


  1. Jessica S. on July 24, 2012 at 9:38 am

    “And you know for sure that her vampires don’t sparkle!”

    bwahahahahaha. Love. It.

    My association with Plumeria is limited to a former Bath and Body Works flavor.

    Cannot wait for PPP!

  2. Michelle Springer on July 24, 2012 at 10:16 am

    As a girl who grew up in Hawaii, I love the use of one of my favorite flowers in your book!
    And, yes, I loved the little Twilight dig as well. 🙂

  3. Christine on July 24, 2012 at 10:38 am

    Now I’m really hoping there’s a line in the book where someone asks if Miss Gwen’s vampires will sparkle and she pokes the person with her parasol and makes a snarky comment.

  4. Jeffrey on July 24, 2012 at 11:08 am

    If you’re trying to impress all of us with your research, Lauren, you have certainly convinced this reader! Amazing.

  5. Morgan on July 24, 2012 at 12:55 pm

    Really excited for this one, and I love the title! Will there be a Goodreads listing for it soon? I’m dying to add it to my shelf 🙂

  6. Sharon Redfern on July 24, 2012 at 3:13 pm

    Plus, plumeria smells wonderful and deserves a book named after it!

  7. Erin M on July 25, 2012 at 7:44 am

    Interesting, I notice we are back to the “The _______ of the______” title formulation, which if I remember correctly, was so hotly debated when it was abandoned for “The Orchid Affair.” I, for one, am happy to see its return.

  8. Sheila on July 25, 2012 at 2:01 pm

    Yes, plumeria does smell wonderful.

    Be still my beating heart: It does sound like we are getting three books in one here: Colin and Eloise, Purple Pl
    uimeria and Miss Gwen’s Horrid Novel. No one does more for her readers than you, Lauren ! Will the publisher mke any your prose literally purple ? Probably too costly, but it would be fun for those chapter intros….

  9. Nicole H on July 25, 2012 at 4:05 pm

    Yay! I am ready for a new pink carnation fix. The title itself is hilarious, which is appropriate because every time I read scenes with Miss Gwen I laugh out loud. I am still unable to picture Miss Gwen as a romantic creature, but I trust your authorial skills when convince me once I start reading. So excited.

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