If You Like….

Given Miles’ and Hen’s landslide victory in the Holiday Bonus Chapter Contest, this seemed like a good time to explore Black Tulip read-alikes.

If you like Henrietta and Miles, you’ll probably also like….

— Julia Quinn’s The Viscount Who Loved Me. Hen and Kate would get along like a house on fire. Ditto for Quinn’s The Duke and I. Like Henrietta, Daphne knows what it is to be the little sister.

— Julia Quinn’s To Catch an Heiress. I know, I know, more Quinn (what can I say? Hen and Miles owe a lot to her work), but, as a couple, Caroline and Blake remind me so much of Hen and Miles. And did I mention that it features a ridiculous Napoleonic spy? Hen and Miles would feel right at home.

— Loretta Chase’s Mr. Impossible. Rupert is somewhere between Miles and Turnip on the hero spectrum, and all around lovable.

— Jessica Benson’s The Accidental Duchess. Okay, so the hero is more a Richard than a Miles, but Gwen, the heroine, is so very, very Hen, everone’s best friend with somewhat managing ways and a delightfully crazy family.

The Mummy. Okay, I realize, this isn’t a novel or a Regency, but that Brendan Fraser character just IS Miles, in oh so many ways. Especially that confused “What?” when he can’t figure out what he’s done to upset the heroine.

Who are your Miles and Hen read-alikes?


  1. Elizabeth P on January 9, 2012 at 2:27 pm

    Loved Julia Quinn’s The Duke and I and the Viscount who loved me. They are definitely Miles and Hen read-alikes.

  2. Shelli on January 9, 2012 at 3:18 pm

    I love all of Julia Quinn’s novels. Good recommendations.

  3. heather leinbach on January 9, 2012 at 4:17 pm

    Hen and Miles are 2 of my favorites! I cant wait to read more books with characters like them. Thank you for sharing this. I cant wait for your next book to come out!

  4. Loramir on January 9, 2012 at 4:40 pm

    I’ve just gotten in to Julia Quinn recently. I like what I’ve read so far, and they remind me of your books sometimes, being on the lighter side.

    I loved The Duke and I, but while I liked the characters, I really didn’t like the plot of The Viscount Who Loved Me – it seemed like there was no conflict except Anthony’s somewhat random-seeming psychological issues. But I recently read What Happens in London and Just Like Heaven and loved them, so I definitely plan to try some more of Julia Quinn’s work soon.

  5. Elise on January 9, 2012 at 7:02 pm

    Just wanted to agree with the Brendan Fraser. Very excited for the new Miles and Hen chapter!

  6. leslie on January 9, 2012 at 10:41 pm

    Love Julia Quinn’s earlier books!
    “How to Marry a Marquis” is a favorite.

    Has anyone heard of Carola Dunn? I was searching Seattle Library e-books on overdrive and she has 4 pages of listings. All Regency.
    I checked out “Smugglers Summer” It’s pretty good.

  7. Shannon Howell on January 10, 2012 at 5:21 pm

    I agree about Brendan Fraser, except I picture Miles taller than him.

    I’m looking forward the bonus chapter. Miles is my favorite character in the series.

  8. aly on January 27, 2012 at 11:20 pm

    hahah Seeing that The Mummy made the list absolutely made my day. I watch that movie pretty much once a week! So good.

  9. If You Like Pink II… | The Bubblebath Reader on October 22, 2014 at 2:34 pm

    […] In the meantime, if you’re ahead of the game and finished with The Masque of the Black Tulip, you may be looking for similar books to read. Lauren has a list of “If You Like” books that may appeal to you if you loved Miles and Hen – check it out. […]

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