Teaser Tuesday: a Hodgepodge

There’s rather a lot going on in my world right now, so, instead of the normal Teaser Tuesday, here’s a hodgepodge of recent and upcoming happenings.

I’ve just been sent the new UK cover for The Mischief of the Mistletoe. Mistletoe appears in stores over there on 28 November. (We’ll be getting our own paperback edition here in the US on November 1.)

In the meantime, as you know, I have a little pile of Garden Intrigue ARCs that need to find homes. I’ll be posting a contest here on the site tomorrow– with huge thanks to everyone who suggested ideas!

Elsewhere on the internet, I hear there’s a contest for a give-away of two free copies of Jane Austen Made Me Do It, the short story anthology in which you’ll find my “A Night at Northanger”, which features a side character from The Garden Intrigue. Here are the rules from the JAMMDI website: Just read through the list of contributions on the Stories Page and leave a comment on this post stating which three stories look intriguing to you by midnight PT, Wednesday, September 21st, 2011. Winners to be announced on Thursday, September 22nd, 2010. Shipment to US and Canadian addresses only. Good luck!

And in other news, The Orchid Affair is a finalist for NJRW’s Golden Leaf award!


  1. Amanda B. on September 13, 2011 at 11:38 am

    Congrats!!!! 🙂

  2. SusanN on September 13, 2011 at 4:18 pm

    “And in other news, The Orchid Affair is a finalist for NJRW’s Golden Leaf award!”

    Congratulations for the nomination and recognition!

    I have to admit that after I finish each Pink book I say to myself, “THAT was my favorite so far!” I’m not being fickle; each one is just that spectacular. But I’m truly passionate about The Orchid Affair. It was off the charts wonderful. Of course, that’s not to say that the next book won’t be my new favorite when I’ve read it, but TOA has set the bar awfully high. (No pressure, tho!)

  3. stephanie ball on September 13, 2011 at 5:01 pm

    I think my favorite will always be…. no wait i cant decide. Too Many good ones. Though i think some of the earlier ones are my favorite. I do love Alex and Pen.

  4. Amanda A. on September 13, 2011 at 8:38 pm

    Congrats on the nomination, Lauren! I agree — I love each of your books and wait anxiously for the next… so I’ll be among those tuning in tomorrow to find out the contest details for the GI sneak peek!

    Am I correct to guess that the UK edition of TMotM is the photo on the left? Looks great!

    And it’s almost time for JAMMDI… Whee!

  5. Jessica C on September 13, 2011 at 11:47 pm

    Congratulations on the Golden Leaf nomination! The JAMMDI competition had me excited for a minute – until I realised it was only open to US and Canada *pouts*. That’s one of the things I love best about your competitions, Lauren – they are always open to your international fans!

  6. Jeffrey on September 14, 2011 at 5:23 am

    Reach around, Lauren, and give yourself a pat on the back because The Orchid Affair deserves to win Golden Leaf award.
    Also, I hope you have looked through all of the comments over on the JAMMDI website as to which stories readers prefer because there is a preponderance of remarks favoring YOUR offering in this anthology! It is truly a testament to your stature and popularity as a gifted story-teller.

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