Six Months of Pink
Between August 29th and February 16th, we have Pink-mania, Pink, Pink and more Pink, as far as the bookshelf can stretch.
Here’s the Pink publication schedule for the next few months:
— August 29: The Temptation of the Night Jasmine, UK edition.
— September 27: The Secret History of the Pink Carnation, special “Read Pink” edition in support of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
— October 11: “A Night at Northanger” (short story) in Jane Austen Made Me Do It.
— November 1: The Mischief of the Mistletoe, trade paperback.
— November 28: The Mischief of the Mistletoe, UK edition.
— January 3: The Orchid Affair, trade paperback.
— February 16: The Garden Intrigue!
The UK cover for Night Jasmine is beautiful!
Oh, my goodness! The Night Jasmine cover is luscious.
This is wonderful news!
Yay! It all culminates in The Garden Intrigue, which is right on my birthday. What a great present!