And the winner is….
First, may I say how blown away I was by all the entries for the first ever Pink Carnation peep diorama contest?
When I posted the contest a little over a month ago, I had no idea that sort of historical accuracy and emotional resonance could be achieved with bits of marshmallow dusted with colored sugar. In a word, you guys are amazing.
It was a close contest. In third place, with 39 votes:
Tied for second place, with forty votes apiece were:
“Penelopeep’s River Rescue”, by Christine:
and “Mispeep of the Mistletoe”, by Sarah:
Which brings us to the #1 Pinkorama, winner of the Pink wine charms created and donated by Sharin.
The winner of the 2011 Pinkorama contest is….
“Peepmas at Girdings”, by Candace and Cassandra!
Just click here to see the amazing level of detail they achieved, ranging from Geoff’s eyebrows to Charlotte’s red cloak. Truly, truly incredible (and oh so edible!).
The truly honorable Honorable Mentions go to:
–Kate, Christine, Jess, and Yao, for “Peck, my peeps, peck!”
— Kayse, for “Mispeep of the Mistletoe”
— and Shenandoah, for “The Capture of the Marquise de Montpeep”.
The Grand Prize goes to Candace & Cassandra, but since these were all phenomenal, I’m decreeing prizes for all the contestants. So, prize-winning teams, email me and let me know what you’d like best: a Pink mug, a Pink tote bag, or any edition you’d like of any of the books. (Oh, and let me know where to send it!)
Huge congrats to all!
I did promise one last prize, didn’t I? One judge, chosen at random, receives a Pink Carnation mug– and peeps! The judging prize goes to… Antonia, of Comment #20!
Kudos to all– and start getting your peeps lined up for next year’s Pinkorama!
I was so blown away I couldn’t choose! Congrats to EVERYONE!
Congratulations to the winners! :)You guys did a great job!
Wow. I haven’t been here for a while, and I must say (1) what a fun, original idea!
and (2) these are amazing! Kudos to the artists.
[…] If you’re seeking Pink Peep inspiration, check out last year’s Pinkoramas! […]