Teaser Tuesday: James or Jeremy?
Some of you may have noticed that, in the modern Selwick Family Tree, Mrs. Selwick-Alderly’s grandson is listed as James (b. 1968). In the books, however, we’ve met him (and, oh, how we’ve met him!) as Jeremy.
There’s a simple answer to this: he changed his name.
Jeremy/James is not a peaceful soul. Left fatherless at the age of one, he was left to the care of a rather ditzy mother. Naturally, his strong-willed grandmother, Arabella Selwick-Alderly, took a hand. She might be an Alderly by marriage, but she was a Selwick by birth. Her grandson was raised with the full complement of Selwick family stories– and a burning bitterness that, by being born to a collateral branch in the female line, he was deprived of any of it. The bitterness was a by-product Mrs. Selwick-Alderly didn’t anticipate. Unfortunately, in character, he turned out a great deal more like Mrs. Selwick-Alderly’s husband Robert than the Selwick side (but more about that later.)
James Selwick-Alderly bitterly resented his cousin William, nearly thirty years his senior, the owner of Selwick Hall. He transferred that resentment to William’s son, Colin.
Always wanting what he doesn’t have, always chasing the next best thing, intent on the outward signs of power and prestige, it was little wonder that James Selwick-Alderly, attempting to get on board with “Cool Britannia”, should change his name to Jeremy, or that he should drop his public school accent for the slurred vowels of estuary English. But, reinvent himself though he might, one thing remains the same…. He still wants Selwick Hall. And he’ll use fair means or foul to get it.
Just out of curiosity (I haven’t been through the whole series yet, just finished The Seduction of the Crimson Rose), in which Pink book does Jeremy appears??? Shall I brace myself for something dreadful for Eloise and Colin?
Just out of curiosity (I haven’t been through the whole series yet, just finished The Seduction of the Crimson Rose), in which Pink book does Jeremy appear??? Shall I brace myself for something dreadful for Eloise and Colin?
Oups, sorry for the double posting, there has been a bug! :S
I’d forgotten that Jeremy doesn’t show up until “Night Jasmine”! Yep, you’re just on the cusp of meeting him.
These last two teases, along with an American heroine, have me convinced this is going to be the best Pink ever !!
Thanks for the info, I’ll prepare myself properly, in this case! 🙂
I always assumed from the interactions between Colin, Eloise, and Serena that Serena was younger than Eloise. From her skittishness to Eloise’s calming older sister demeanor, I would have guessed Serena was in her early to mid-twenties. Now that I’ve seen the modern Selwick family tree, the deal she made to film at Selwick Hall in exchange for money for her partnership at the gallery makes more sense. As a woman at the cusp of thirty, she probably wants independence and professional success more than a younger person would. Still…shafting her brother is not right. Oh, this teaser has made me immensely curious. Usually resentment and bitterness is a result from greed for money, power, or love. I don’t see Selwick Hall embodying any of that for Jeremy. Really, what would Jeremy do if he did get his hands on it? What would he obsess about next?
I wonder if Jeremy didn’t try and get his hands on Serena at one point.
I’m dying to know more about Robert Alderly! I always pictured Mrs. Selwick-Alderly with just a nice stand up guy. Now…I’m not so sure! When do we get to find out????
Well now we know a little more about Jeremy. And I would like to know more about Robert. Thanks for the teaser!
Jeremy is set as a perfect arch nemesis for Colin! I think it is just desserts Jeremy married Colin’s mother AND THEN found out he had no claims to Selwick Hall! And KatrinaG I’m with you – there is way too much hinting between Jeremy and Serena – I bet he tried with her first and then went for the Mom! :0
Oooooh, but with all the comments on Jeremy and all, I’m very curious to discover his character! Too bad I’ve just begun a huge historical novel, because right now, I’m feeling this urge to read the next installment of the Pink Carnation (Night Jasmine) !!!