Happy Holidays!

I know it’s tacky to re-gift, but I figured you wouldn’t mind this one. Two years ago, I decided it would be fun to write a novella as a holiday gift to my readers. So I did. Back in 2008, I posted the novella in serial form on the website, chapter by chapter, largely to give myself time to finish it.

The story follows Amy and Richard (and Eloise and Colin) as they spend their very first Christmas together– with some rather unusual results. And I don’t just mean Miles’ attempts at charades.

Here, once again, is the one and only Pink Carnation Christmas novella, Ivy & Intrigue: A Very Selwick Christmas.

Happy holidays from everyone at Selwick Hall!

p.s. Check back here on New Year’s Day for another special gift: an advance chapter of The Orchid Affair!


  1. Faith on December 26, 2010 at 10:28 am

    yay! Happy Holidays!

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