Florida in July

Due to the recent flooding, RWA is moving its entire conference lock, stock and barrel to Orlando, Florida. This means that there will be no Nashville signing in July, but there will be a Florida one.

Here are the details for the Florida signing:

When: Wednesday, July 28, 5:30-7:30
Where: The Walt Disney World Swan & Dolphin Resort

Delighted as I am to be going to Disneyland (who doesn’t love Disneyland?), I’m very sad to lose the chance to return to Nashville, where I had such a great time on book tour two years ago. I hope to make it back there sometime soon!


  1. Devan on May 7, 2010 at 4:23 am

    I’ve stayed at the Swan and Dolphin. It’s a really nice resort and my favorite part was that it is right by the boardwalk!

  2. Stacy on May 7, 2010 at 11:38 am

    Just a note….your going to Disney WORLD not Disneyland 😉 Unless your signing somehow from LA 🙂

    Also, you will enjoy the hotel. We stayed there for 2 weeks years ago. It was wonderful being that close to the park (can walk into Epcot from the hotel, no buses, no monorails, no lines 😉 )

  3. Lauren on May 7, 2010 at 11:45 am

    Good point! Thanks. I always get the two confused….

  4. Dayana on May 8, 2010 at 5:10 pm

    For real? No freaking way! That’s so awesome! I hope you enjoy Disney World Lauren. It’s way better then Disneyland, but that’s just my opinion. And any hotel in Disney World is going to be awesome. I wonder if I could convince my parents to drive all the way to Orlando for that. I may live in Florida, but from Hollywood to Orlanddo is no walk in Hyde Park. Oh well. I’ll see what can be done.

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