Contest Winner!

At the beginning of Black Tulip, Henrietta takes Penelope to task for disappearing onto a balcony with:

a) Geoffrey Pinchingdale-Snipe
b) Lord Frederick Staines
c) Turnip Fitzhugh
d) Martin Frobisher
e) All of the above

Can you imagine Geoff out on a balcony with Penelope? No, no, and no again. Penelope has certainly made the rounds of those balconies, but the answer is c) Turnip Fitzhugh. He may be dense, but he’s oh so smoochable. And, as Penelope points out, all those guineas do rather gild the Turnip.

The winner of the ARC of The Betrayal of the Blood Lily, chosen at random from among all the correct answers is…

Allison Scott

Congratulations, Allison! Thanks so much to everyone for participating.

I do have one last ARC of Blood Lily floating around, so stay tuned for another contest next month. In the meantime, you also have a chance to win an ARC starting on Friday, November 27th, on Miss Eliza’s website. I also have it on good authority that Smart Bitches, Trashy Books will be giving away two ARCs via Twitter sometime in early December.

In the meantime, Blood Lily is available for pre-order on Amazon, Borders, and B&


  1. AngelB on November 25, 2009 at 10:35 am

    First all, congrats to Allison. I’m very jealous. 🙂

    You know, when I saw this contest I couldn’t for the life of me remember the answer. Scoured the book over and over and over again and didn’t see the reference. So, that was my answer…none of the above. Of course 30 seconds after I hit submit, I remembered everything. ha!

    Congrats again Allison.

  2. Elizabeth aka Miss Eliza on November 25, 2009 at 4:41 pm

    Congrats Allison!

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