Pink in New Jersey

Huge, huge thanks to the ladies of the Junior League of Morristown, who hosted Lunch with the Authors yesterday afternoon! My To Be Read pile has now reached even more tottering proportions, thanks to the addition of novels by my fellow speakers, Linda Fairstein and Andrew Gross, both of whom gave staggeringly funny presentations. Speaking after both of them was one of those moments when I kick myself for not picking a nice, sensible nom de plume at the beginning of the alphabet, rather than sticking with my own name. After all those years at the end of the class list, you would think I would have learned my lesson.

For those in the New Jersey area who weren’t able to make it to the lunch and signing, Sages Pages of Madison, New Jersey now has a whopping great pile of signed copies of Pink Carnation, Crimson Rose, and Night Jasmine (when I get over-caffeinated, I just keep signing things. Fortunately, they stopped me before I could start signing furniture. Or people.). The bookstore is worth stopping by even if you already have signed copies of the entire oeuvre, just because it’s one of those amazing independent bookstores that serves as purveyor of books and cozy social space all in one.


  1. Gina on May 2, 2009 at 6:28 pm

    Haha. I, too, know what it is like to be at the end of the list every time. *sigh* Maybe I’ll marry into the A’s or something.

    I wish you’d come by Houston, TX though…I missed it last time you were close by.

  2. Stephanie Stoddard on May 2, 2009 at 6:54 pm

    I was a ball.. now i am a Stoddard. i keep being shocked when i have to wait till the end for roll or for my test to be handed back.. LOL id pick beginning over end anytime.

  3. Theresa on May 2, 2009 at 10:06 pm

    I could kick myself for not checking out your website earlier! I would have loved to take the drive up to Morristown for the lunch… but I find it very hard to tear myself away from Night Jasmine 🙂 Oh, well. Hopefully I can catch your next tour through NJ. Best wishes!

  4. Kristen on May 4, 2009 at 8:01 am

    One of the youth orgs that I was over involved with growing up did their awards cermony backwards every other year so I actually got to be at the beginning a few times- best thing ever! Otherwise at school I was always #22 or later with my “T” last name. This is one thing I can successfully blame my parents for. 🙂

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