This Just In: Untitled Novella Finds Title!
…Hard working novelist no longer has to suffer finger strain from typing out That Still Untitled Selwick Christmas novella every few days.
The winner, by a very large margin, was Ivy & Intrigue: A Very Selwick Christmas.
Congrats, Megan!! From now unto the ends of the earth, the Selwick Christmas Novella shall be known as Ivy & Intrigue: A Very Selwick Christmas.
And now for our runners-up:
Second Place (tied):
The Precarious Proposition of the Purple Gentian (Katelin)
‘Tis the Season for Treason (Kayse)
Third Place:
The Vexation of the Gilded Mistletoe (Hannah)
Fourth Place:
Mistletoe & Mayhem (Victoria)
Honorable Mentions:
Malice Under the Mistletoe (Diane)
The Revelation of the Christmas Ivy (Joanna)
Just Another Spy in the Library (Debra)
The Pink Carnation’s Lexicon of Christmas Carols (Camille)
Oh What Fun it is to Spy! (Rebecca W)
Mistletoe, Mince Pie, and Menace (Alexandria)
Espionage & Auld Lang Syne (Anna)
Thanks to everyone for your genius in coming up with these titles and your generosity in taking the time to rank your top five for the final vote! I’m so very happy that the story finally has a title…. It felt so naked without one.
Megan, I owe you a book! For my other brilliant title-crafters, I have signed bookplates. To collect your prizes, please email me with the appropriate details and I’ll send them all right along.
(In case anyone is curious, my highly sophisticated scoring system was as follows. Every time something was picked as a first choice it got five points. Second choice got four, third choice three, fourth choice two, and fifth choice one. I added up the overall points received by each title and ranked them accordingly.)
Congrats Megan!Glad to see you won, you were in my top five 😛
Thank you all so much! This is amazing!
And my apologies, Lauren. It’s not that much shorter than That Still Untitled Selwick Christmas novella.
But I’m honored to have won the naming.
Congrats Megan and to everyone else who got this far! 😀
Congrats Megan!
And I’m so excited to have third… !!
Yay I got honorable mention! Congrats, Megan!
Congrats Megan! Everyone came up with really great stuff! So yay us!
Congrats Megan!! And thanks Lauren for my plate, too.
Yes, Lauren thanks for the plate, I got mine in the mail today!