Ask the Author

Hi, all!

Starting tomorrow, you can find me over at Access Romance as part of AR’s new Author Q&A feature. The Q&A is divided into two message boards: a Reader board, where readers are invited to share their opinions and ask questions about my books and characters, and a Writer board, where aspiring writers can post their questions about the craft of writing, paths to publication, and all those other nitty gritty technical matters.

A different author is taking a turn at playing guru each week (if you want to catch Elizabeth Hoyt before she goes, today is her last day of Q&A). I’ll be up from January 19th through the 26th, so if there’s anything you want to ask, pop on by!

See you here tomorrow for the last historical chapter of That Still Untitled Christmas Novella….


  1. Annette on January 18, 2009 at 8:43 pm

    Oh, I only just found out about the Christmas novella! Please leave up all the chapters for us slow-coaches!! Thanks for a great treat!


  2. Desiree on January 18, 2009 at 11:18 pm

    The last chapter? How sad! I am enjoying reading these chapters even if I want to strangle Amy and Richard for being stupid and not talking. Are you going to do another novella like this any time soon?

  3. Lauren on January 19, 2009 at 1:59 am

    Annette, I’m planning to make the whole thing available on the Diversions page next month, but all the chapters will also be accessible in the archives of the News page– just go to the side bar and scroll down till you hit “Post by Category” and under that you’ll find “Selwick Christmas Novella”, which should take you to each of the individually posted chapters.

  4. Lauren on January 19, 2009 at 2:01 am

    Hi, Desiree! No other short story idea has leaped out and grabbed me just yet the way this one did, but the possibility is always there….

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