Tuesday's Winner

Yes, indeed, Robert, Charlotte’s knight errrant, showed up on a cold Christmas Eve–and, as many of you pointed out, three years late and sans armor. Blasted irritating of him, if you ask me. But Charlotte’s far more giving than I am…

This week’s randomly chosen winner is… Amy! Amy, you get to join the Cool Club of People With Advanced Reader Copies, so you can read it before this Christmas Eve!

(But even to those who have to wait for the new year: it’s worth the wait. Robert’s eminently crush-worthy, and Charlotte’s perfectly lovable–almost as lovable as Hen, that is. Not that I’m biased, or anything.)

Thanks to everyone for stopping by, and for letting me play here for the day! Now I’ll hand you back to my sojourning sister, and wish you all a very very Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. AmyMc on November 26, 2008 at 1:10 pm

    Drat the luck of having a common name! When I first saw Amy, I said “Yes!” but then I realized that I’m Amy Mc here… Congrats, Amy. What a great early Christmas gift!

    Lauren, thanks for the kind words about the portrait last week. And thanks again for stepping away from the conference to meet my mom and me last month in Dallas. You are awesome!

    Amy Mc

  2. Amy on November 26, 2008 at 3:11 pm

    OMG is that me?! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!


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