Author on the Move, Part II: Chicago!

First of all, big hugs to everyone I met in Dallas last weekend! I had an amazing time talking books with people (and a whole list of books to recommend once I finally get around to writing a post about it). I adore conferences where people give me books, have silent auctions for books, and raffle off books. The airport security people must have thought I was some sort of crazy book rustler as I hauled my way through the scanner machines with two bags, which contained, in aggregate, one change of clothes, one bottle of contact lens solution, one computer, and twenty-two books (yes, I counted). What can I say? I like to have plenty of reading material on board.

This weekend, I’m off to Illinois, for Warren-Newport Public Library’s Cozy Library Extravaganza, a celebration of cozy mystery novels. Festivities commence at one o’clock and carry on till four. Other authors appearing include Libby Fischer Hellmann, Robert Dalby, Cordelia Frances Biddle, Helen Osterman, Deb Baker, Charles Dickinson and Julie Hyzy. And the best part is, it’s free! Did I mention that it’s free?

So if you’re in the area, please do stop by and join us for the panel discussion (and the tea and cookies) or pop by later in the afternoon to have a book signed.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


  1. Jessica on October 16, 2008 at 9:24 pm

    Agh!!! I have to go to Michigan this weekend! Timing is everything…enjoy!

  2. Jess G. on October 16, 2008 at 11:08 pm

    Oh my god. That Dallas extravaganza sounds AMAZING.

    I was reading the summary of it a little lower down on this page, and asking myself how I could possibly NOT be living in Dallas.

    22 books. Amazing.

    That’s the sort of airport adventure that would have be giggling to myself before and after security – and possibly well into my flight – just thinking about their reactions.

  3. Elizabeth on October 17, 2008 at 10:07 pm

    Can’t wait, my friend and I are driving down from Wisconsin!

  4. Lauren on October 18, 2008 at 6:46 am

    Huzzah! See you later today, Elizabeth!!

  5. Marilyn Brant on October 20, 2008 at 4:20 pm


    It was a pleasure to meet you at the Warren-Newport Library this past weekend! I enjoyed your talk and hearing the many stories told by the rest of the mystery panel. Hope you had an enjoyable visit to our little corner of the Midwest :).

    As for conferences with giveaway books (and I say this so you’ll be fairly warned!!), at most RWA Nationals, I’ve typically returned with upwards of 35+ new novels… I shipped home 2 full boxes after San Francisco this summer. And those were books acquired without really “trying.” You may want to clear some space on your bookshelves before D.C. :-).

  6. Elizabeth on October 21, 2008 at 12:29 am

    I would like to second Marilyn’s post! The event was a wonderful one and it was great to finally meet you. I also hope you enjoyed your visit to the Midwest so that we will see you again, on the release of all the Pink Carnation books to come! (Also my friend Jessica, who I got a book signed for, said that after hearing how fun the event was she said you have to do a signing in New York when the next book comes out, which would require far less of a commute.)

    Also I know you mentioned a little animated show (I believe) that was about ramshackle British estate and I can’t for the life of me remember the name, and I figured I’d ask, and maybe other people would like to see it as well.

  7. Lauren on October 21, 2008 at 9:59 am

    Marilyn and Elizabeth, it was such a pleasure to meet you both!

    Marilyn, I can’t wait till your book comes out (for others who might be reading this post, Marilyn is the author of “According to Jane Austen”, which needs to hurry up and be published already, so I can read it.)

    Elizabeth, the cartoon(it’s a series of print cartoons, rather than a show) is called Tottering-by-Gently. The books chronicle the lives of Lord and Lady Tottering, who live in a ramshackle estate, Tottering by Gently, in the county of North Pimmshire, with their maid, Mrs. Shagpile, and various other characters. I have to admit that sometimes I turn to it for inspiration in creating suitable daffy characters.

  8. Elizabeth on October 21, 2008 at 5:08 pm

    Thanks for the name (again). I’ve actually seen a few of them here and there, they are quite quite funny, I just never realized that they had a series name. I will definitely have to check the books out. The illustration quality reminds me of like an elderly British Eloise.

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