Ready… Set… Peep!
Welcome the to 15th Annual Pinkorama! Last month was the twentieth (!!) anniversary of the first Pink Carnation book. Can anyone believe that it’s been that long? Five years, maybe. Ten at most. I can’t quite wrap my head around the fact that it’s been twenty years of Pink Carnation– and fifteen of sugary fun!…
Read MorePinkorama #2: The Charm of Tea on the Peep-keepsie Train from the The English Wife
Both of our Pinkoramae this year take place within a year of each other (1898 and 1899!), but the settings couldn’t be more different. Today, returning champions Candace and Cassandra take us to the frosty Hudson Valley in January of 1899 with The Charm of Tea on the Peep-keepsie Train from the The English Wife.…
Read MorePinkorama #1: Betsy Helpeeping at the Front
It is my great honor to bring you the 2024 Pinkoramae! For our first Pinkorama of 2024, the mother and daughter team of Carla and Rowan bring us a harrowing scene from Two Peeps and a Wedding. It’s 1898 and the height of the Spanish-American War. A Red Cross nurse (Betsy!) assists a gravely wounded…
Read MoreReady… Set… Peep!
Welcome the to 14th Annual Pinkorama! Can you believe it’s been almost twenty years (next January!) since the first Pink Carnation book came out and fourteen years of Peep dioramas? I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that a random impulse fourteen years ago– “Hey! Does anyone feel like making a Pink…
Read MoreThe Winner of the 13th Annual Pinkorama Contest Is….
So many thanks to this year’s Pinkorama participants! It’s always like Christmas crossed with a birthday when your entries arrive in my inbox: the surprise of seeing what you’ve picked to depict this year and the sheer joy of seeing the beauty you’ve made. I am, as always, in utter awe of your peep-craft. This…
Read MoreThe 2023 Pinkorama Round-Up
Calling all 2023 Pinkorama participants to take a bow! It’s time for the 2023 Pinkorama Round Up! This year, we’ve got an Italian count and his art collection, Teddy Roosepeep and his Rough Peepers, Eloise hard at work in the library at Selpeep Hall, love among the weeds in 1805 Hyderabad, three generations of Peeps…
Read MorePinkorama #6: Team W Peep
For our very last Pinkorama of 2023, we have a special bonus Pinkorama: Team W Peep! When she sent in her Two Peeps and a Wedding Pinkorama, Rachel added, “PS: just for fun, a Peep version of the WWWs. Pearls and prosecco included!” I know it was just for fun, but I love it so…
Read MorePinkorama #5: Stolen Peep Moments in THE FORGOTTEN ROOM
For our penultimate Pinkorama of 2023, returning Pinkorama champions Candace and Cassandra bring us… Stolen Peep Moments in The Forgotten Room! The very first Team W collaboration, The Forgotten Room follows the stories of three women– Olive, Lucy, and Kate– all connected by the same Upper East Side Gilded Age mansion as that mansion changes along…
Read MorePinkorama #4: “In the Weeds” from “The Betrayal of the Peep Lily”
For our fourth Pinkorama of 2023, returning Pinkorama champions Carrie and Laura bring us… “In the Weeds” from The Betrayal of the Blood Lily! (If you haven’t read Blood Lily yet and intend to, this scene is a bit of a spoiler, so you might want to move on. If you have read Blood Lily—…
Read MorePinkorama #3: The Library at Selpeep Hall
For our third Pinkorama of 2023, Sharon brings us… Eloise in the library at Selwick Hall! Sharon writes, “It is a homage to Eloise’s many hours reading documents at Selwick Hall in the Black Tulip (and other books too).” Is it just me, or are you dying to know what Eloise is reading? I’ve been…
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