
Remember the Cosmopolitan Lady’s Book in The Masque of the Black Tulip, where Henrietta, Charlotte and Penelope read up on Ten Tricks to a Flirtier Fan? Look what my friend Chantelle just sent me: Yes, it’s 18th Century Cosmo! You know Henrietta would so have a subscription….

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Bunny & Biscuits: Part III

Pink Carnation Theatre brings you the gingery conclusion of Bunny & Biscuits: A Very Dorrington Valentine’s Day…. (If you haven’t read Parts I and II, you can find them here and here.)

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Bunny & Biscuits: Part II

Pink Carnation Theatre returns with episode two of Bunny & Biscuits: A Very Dorrington Valentine’s Day. (If you haven’t yet read Part I, just click here.) And, now, Part Two of Bunny & Biscuits….

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Bunny & Biscuits: Part I

It’s time for A Very Dorrington Valentine’s Day! It’s been a while since we’ve seen our favorite duo, Henrietta and Miles. I should have anticipated that after being offstage for a few books, they would be a bit restless– and might not go gently into a nice, little bonus chapter. Instead, we’ve got a very…

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Weekly Reading Round-Up

This week, I did something I never, ever do. I re-read one of my own books. I don’t usually like reading my own work once it’s in proper book form. There’s too high a likelihood I’ll stumble across words I should have changed or paragraphs I should have chucked. But I had promised to write…

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Title That Bonus Chapter

It’s your last chance to submit your entry in the Name That Bonus Chapter contest! (Okay, not the catchiest contest name– but now do you see why I need help coming up with the title?) You can find all the rules, regulations, and random commentary here. Just submit your entry in the Comments box in…

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If You Like….

Given Miles’ and Hen’s landslide victory in the Holiday Bonus Chapter Contest, this seemed like a good time to explore Black Tulip read-alikes. If you like Henrietta and Miles, you’ll probably also like…. — Julia Quinn’s The Viscount Who Loved Me. Hen and Kate would get along like a house on fire. Ditto for Quinn’s…

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Holiday Contest Winner!

I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed reading through the contest entries. There were some rather interesting candidates, like Vaughn’s mother. (She’s still lording it over that family pile up north.) The Uppingtons had a considerable fan base, as did that undauntable octogenarian, the Dowager Duchess of Dovedale. In the end, though, the winners…

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Pinkorama #5

An homage to The Masque of the Black Tulip! From Shenandoah, we have the dramatic capture of the Marquise de Montpeep. Lord Vaughn is the blue peep in the silver cravat. Turnip is styling a pink cravat (probably with carnations on it), while Miles and Henrietta are the yellow peeps exchanging soulful glances. The Marquise…

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Like the White Rabbit, I’m late, I’m late. Apologies! Blame it on the rain (or, more accurately, the flu). Thanks so much to everyone for the quotations for the Masque of the Black Tulip page in the Pink Carnation Quotation Compendium. The winner of the Black Tulip mug, chosen entirely at random, is… Beth G.…

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