Weekly Reading Round-Up

Happy Friday, all!  There’s been so much going on this week– the Team W book, my next book, the Pinkorama, an art exhibit in which I got to take part– that I’m having trouble remembering what I’ve read.  Do you ever have those weeks where Monday feels an awfully long way away from Friday?  Or by the time you get to evening, the day has been several years long?

Vaguely, in the far off reaches of time, I do remember that I read the second Brother Cadfael mystery, One Corpse Too Many, and loved it just as much as the first one.  I’m having to resist the urge to go on a Cadfael binge and mentally move into a medieval monastery for a bit.  Cadfael has the same appeal as Miss Marple or Miss Silver: there’s something wonderfully reassuring about his omniscience.  You know that no matter what happens, Cadfael, with his pragmatic good sense, will step in and solve the problem.

Right now, I’m reading a book I’ve been hoarding for a while: Elly Griffiths’s The Postscript Murders.  Griffiths’s mysteries aren’t quite like anyone else’s.  Her tone is uniquely her own– rather like Judith Merkle Riley’s historicals back in the day, which weren’t quite like anything else out there either.  This one involves the murder of a mystery novelist (among others) and I’m adoring the gentle digs at the publishing industry and author foibles, which are really quite spot on.

What have you been reading this week?

p.s. some housekeeping!  Actually, a lot of housekeeping:

–If you haven’t seen it yet, my very first stand alone novel, The Ashford Affair, is on sale across all ebook platforms this week for $2.99.  Three generations, three continents, under three dollars!  The sale ends on Sunday.

— Pinkorama!  I’ll be posting the Pinkorama Round Up here Saturday so you can see all four glorious Peep dioramae together and vote for your favorite.  They’re really amazing.

— Have you seen Morgan Everhart’s art exhibit, Flesh and Bloom?  I was so thrilled to be invited to offer a novelist’s reaction to one of the paintings– and I’m so curious to see if you had the same reaction to the painting that I did!

— A book club deal on Band of Sisters!  I’ve partnered with amazing new bookstore Red Jacket Books: if you order three or more copies of Band of Sisters from them for your book club, they’ll give you a 15% discount on your order, a set of Paris-themed wine charms for your next book club meeting, and a signed bookplate and Band of Sisters coaster for each book.  Click here to order while supplies last.

— Oh, and it’s month four of the Pink Carnation Read Along!  This month is The Seduction of the Crimson Rose and our special guest co-host is Sarah Wendell.  Click here for outtakes, recipes, and other extras, and here to sign up for our May 27th Zoom meeting.

Have I forgotten anything?  Happy weekend and happy reading!


  1. Elizabeth (AKA Miss Eliza) on May 14, 2021 at 7:28 pm

    Are the Cloisters open yet? Because that could at least give you a temporary feeling of monastic life! Still in the land of the Brigdertons, just finished the first and second book this week, so onto book three, AKA the final book in my “first collection” loan from my library which expires after this weekend. So I will be with ‘An Offer from a Gentleman” this weekend.

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