Historical Fiction Panel, December 13th, NYC
Will you be in New York on December 13th? Come join the Historical Dream Team at Shakespeare & Co!
I’m so excited to be joining Fiona Davis, Camille Di Maio, Lynda Loigman, Alyson Richman, and Sally Koslow to discuss history, fiction, inspiration, and why historical fiction matters so much today.
(Because I always wanted to flirt with men in knee breeches? Hmmm, must devise better answer.)
There won’t be copies of The English Wife yet, but they will have copies of my earlier books for sale (books always make excellent holiday gifts!) and I will bring bookplates, postcards, and possibly even a few English Wife coasters to give away….
The details:
What: Historical Fiction Panel & Signing
When: December 13, 6:30
Where: Shakespeare & Co, 69th & Lex
Why: Because the weather outside might be frightful, but the company will be delightful?
Hope to see you there!