Writer's Digest Conference– This Weekend!
When we were teenagers, many of my friends had subscriptions to Seventeen Magazine. I had a subscription to Writer’s Digest. Back in the days before the internet, I remember the thrill of the magazine’s arrival, eagerly reading through articles on viewpoint, pacing, research, publishing nitty gritty (back when it was more nitty than gritty). Because isn’t that what every thirteen year old cares about?
So I’m especially delighted to be participating in this year’s Writer’s Digest Conference!
The conference takes place this weekend at the midtown Hilton in New York (6th Avenue between 53rd and 54th). On Saturday at 10:15, I’ll be speaking with Heather Webb, Stephanie Cowell, Nancy Bilyeau, Crystal L King, and Jessica Strawser (our fearless moderator), about Writing about Yesterday, Today: The Art & Business of Historical Fiction.
Here’s the official panel blurb: In this insightful session, our panelists will examine the peculiar difficulties associated with researching and crafting convincing, artful historical fiction that sweeps readers away without bogging them down with too much detail and description.
Peculiar is, indeed, often the word….
If you’re already planning on attending the conference, come find our panel at 10:15 Saturday on the second floor of the Hilton! If you haven’t registered yet, I hear there may still be spots.
We’ll be signing books (and I have snazzy new English Wife bookmarks and postcards to hand out!) starting at 11:20 on the Promenade next to the bookstore.
To see the other panels and authors, check out the full conference schedule, here.
Other than wonderful you, the only one of the panel I am familiar with is Nancy Bilyeau, and her books are wonderful. If the rest of the panel are as good as you two–WOW!!
: ) Thanks, Sheila!