The Vote is In!

The winner of the Pink Carnation popularity contest is…

Second Runner Up (shocker!):

Lord Vaughn, hero of The Seduction of the Crimson Rose.

First Runner Up:

Letty Alsworthy, heroine of The Deception of the Emerald Ring.

And the Winner:

Lady Henrietta Selwick, heroine of The Masque of the Black Tulip.

Can’t you just hear Henrietta crowing? Miles and Richard will never hear the end of it.

It was an exceedingly close run race. Letty Alsworthy, heroine of The Deception of the Emerald Ring, had a large early lead in the polls, but Henrietta, in true Henrietta fashion, sprinted behind, shouting out, “Wait for me!” and pulled ahead in the final stretch.

Eloise, Jane, Miles, Amy and Richard all hovered respectably in the middle of the polls. In a surprise upset, Colin Selwick actually ranked below Miss Gwen. One can just imagine the means Miss Gwen used to extort those votes… ah, that sword parasol. The Dowager Duchess of Dovedale and Lady Uppington tied for dead last, behind Penelope Deveraux and Turnip Fitzhugh. You can imagine they’ll be fighting that one out for a while, with the Dowager intent on proving that she was more last than Lady U. It’s no fun unless one gets to be THE most despised person in the election.

What do you think? Do the results surprise you? I have to admit, the final line-up wasn’t what I had expected at all….


  1. Jess G. on November 8, 2008 at 5:27 pm

    I feel like Mary is being very Mary-ish somewhere. Not only did Letty trump her, but she didn’t even get a mention in this post.

    Perhaps there is some consolation in the fact that her husband is moderately popular? Or maybe that just makes matters worse…

  2. Kat on November 9, 2008 at 12:07 am

    Who would you have voted for Lauren? Or is it is not nice for you to say? Wouldn’t want anyone to go on strike! (Jane will not be appearing in the next two books as Ms. Willig has voted for X as her favorite character.)I was an early Letty voter 🙂 I rarely bother to enter web contests. I really wanted to win this one!

  3. RT on November 9, 2008 at 2:19 am

    to bad I missed the vote. I would have voted for Vaughn and Mary. Crimson Rose was my favorite. I am re-reading it right now!

  4. Lois on November 9, 2008 at 8:36 am

    Actually, yeah, I’m a big surprised. . . although I don’t think I would have even been able to remotely guess the first place winner (or number 2 and 3), but just not Henrietta. LOL 🙂 I think the one guess I would have made was that it would have been one of the heroes. But I’m sure not complaining on how it came out — I only said my answer after plenty of debate on which single person to pick! LOL 🙂


  5. Jilli on November 9, 2008 at 1:21 pm

    I’m sure that as I voted for three people (Jane, Letty, and Hen), my vote didn’t count. But I’m totally over the moon that

    A) Letty beat out Mary
    B) Hen won

    Hopefully I’ll win the next contest for one of the remaining ARCs. *Le sigh*

  6. Lauren Willig - News on November 11, 2008 at 10:18 am

    […] little sister called me up last night, crowing over being the most popular Pink Carnation character. When pressed, Brooke admitted that she might not actually be Henrietta, but insisted the […]

  7. Meg on November 11, 2008 at 8:35 pm

    Oh, dear, where was Geoff in all this?

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